Search Question Paper

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Sub inspector police

1. Pick out one word which is out of place with others :
Infant Baby Child Girl Youth Adult
2. Fill in blank :
Squint is related to vision as stammering is to ___
3. Identify the one activity which does not match with the rest :
Walk Run Sleep Swim Cycle
4. Applying the rule used in (a) below, find out the missing number in (b) below:
A. 3 7 15 31 63 B. 5 11 23 – 95
5. Fill in the blank :
Kidney is to nephrology as heart is to ___
6. Select the one word which is the unlike others:
Table Chair Cot Shelf Stool
7. Which of the following words has the same meaning as ‘genuine’?
A. Spurious B. Authentic C. Probable D. Possible E. None of these
8. Fill in the blank :
Stable is to horse as kennel is to ____
9. A motor can round a curve at 30 km/hr. If it rounds the curve at 60 km/hr, its tendency to topple over will be :
A. halved B. doubled C. tripledD. quadrupled E. None of these
10. Fill in the blank :
Clock is to time as thermometer is to ____
11. By putting at the zero at the end of a number its value is increased by 749475. The number is :
A. 86315 B. 85192C. 84273D. 83275E. None of these
12. The statement that the minute hand gains 3300 on the hour hand of a clock is
A. foolish B. true C. incorrect D. true at times E. None of these
13. A father is 3 times as old as his son now. After 25 years the farther will be only double the age of the son. What is the age of father now?
A. 30 years B. 36 years C. 45 years D. 51 years E. None of these
14. Choose the word which does not belong to the group as the other do:
A. Nylon B. CottonC. Silk D. Jute E. Polyester
15. Supply the appropriate letters to continue the series :
16. Supply the appropriate figures to continue the series :
6, 13, 21, 30, 40, 51, 63, ____
17. A and B are traveling from one point from different trains in opposite directions. The speed of A’s train is 40 km/hr. and that o B’s train is 30 km/hr. How far away will A be from B after 3 hours?
18. Four different coloured counters are placed in a row. The re counter is near the green counter, but not near the blue. The blue counter is not near the Yellow. Which counter is next to Yellow.
19. The sixth part of a number exceeds the seventh part by 2. The number is :
A. 42 B. 84 C. 96 D. 105 E. None of these
20. The digit added to the right of the number 2304 so as it make the resulting number divisible by 9 is
A 1 B. 2 C. 9 D. 3 E. None of these
21. Which of the following items is not like the others from a group
A. Butter B. Curd C. Juice D. Cheese E. Milk
22. The average age of a class of 39 boys is 10 years. By admission of one boy A the average age us raised to 10 years and one month. What is age of A?
A. 13 years and 4 months B. 13 ½ years
C. 14 years D. 14years and 4 months E. None of these
23. The length and breadth of room are in ratio 5 : 3 . The cost of white washing the walls at the rate of 10 paise per sq meter is Rs 16.00. If the height of the wall is 5m the length and breadth are:
A. 3m * 2m B. 10 m * 6m C. 15m * 6m
D. 15m* 9m E. None of these
24. Identify the group of letters which is different from the rest.
25. If rain is called “pink”, pink is called “could”, cloud is called “water”, is called “breeze” and breeze is called “moon” what do you wash your hands?
A. Water B. Rain C. Breeze D. Moon E. None of these
1. Girl 2. Speech 3. Sleep
4. 47 5. Cardiology 6. Shelf
7. B. Authentic 8. Dog 9. D. quadrupled
10. Temperature 11. D. 832750 – 83275 = 749475
12. B. true 13. C. 45 years 14. Jute
15. WXY 16. 76. The series +7, +8, +9, +10, +11, +12, ……
17. The required distance = (40 + 30) 3 = 210 km
18. The sequence is Yellow , Red , Green, Blue
19. B. 84 20. E. None of these. 2304 is divisible by 9.
21. C. Juice 22. A. 13 years and 4 months
23. B. 10 m * 6m 24. OQT
25. C. Breeze. We wash our hands in water, ie in Breeze

kerala psc model question papers, IBPS bank test question paper

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