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Thursday, February 2, 2012

Sub Inspector police

1. Who was the first Indian to be elected to the British Parliament?
A. Motilal Nehru B. Dadabhai Naoroji
C. Mahatma Gandhi D. Gopalakrishna Gokhale
2. Which colour of light travels most slowly through glass?
A. Violet B. Red C. Blue D. Orange
3. Ecology deals with organism and:
A. Water B. air C. environment D. pollution
4. The book A passage to England was written by:
A. Annie Basnt B. Nirad C Chowdhary
C. Jawaharlal Nehru D. KPS Menon
5. The fibre glass yacht which completed a 30,000 nautical mile global expedition from Mumbai from September 1985 to January 1987 was:
A. Krishna B. Trishna C. Trishul D. Triveni
6. India joined the United Nations in the year:
A. 1945 B. 1946 C. 1947 D. 1948
7. Sunlight reaches Earth in about:
A. 60 Seconds B. 100 seconds C. 10 seconds D. 180 seconds
8. A hole is made in a brass plate and it is heated. The size of the hole will:
A. Increase B. first increase and then decrease
C. decrease D. remain unchanged
9. Sri. V Krishna Moorthy who was arrested and imprisoned in connection with the security scam was then working as:
A. an officer the Reserve Bank of India
B. secretary of the Government of India
C. a senior Police Officer D. a member of Planning Commission
10. Punjab was annexed to British Territories in the year:
A. 1809 B. 1839 C. 1849 D. 1857
11. The monsoon which brings rain in Kerala during the period October-November is called:
A. South-west monsoon B. North east monsoon
C. South east monsoon D. North west monsoon
12. AIDS is the short form of deadly disease called:
A. Acquired Immuno Deformity Syndrome
B. Anticipated Immuno Deficiency Syndrome
C. Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome
D. Acquired Immno Deficiency Symptom
13. The word’s only monarchy in which the king is elected by secret ballet among State rules:
A. Sudan B. Nepal C. Malaysia D. Bhutan
14. The first Muslim ruler in India to introduce the standing army was:
A. Firozshah Tughlaq B. Baber
C. Iltumish D. Ala-ud –Din-Khilji
15. On a rainy afternoon in which direction is the rainbow season?
A. East B. West C. North D. South
16. T x D and D x T denote:
A. Formula in physics B. Surgical terms
C. Preventive injections D. Hybrid variety of coconut.
17. The Navel air Station in Andaman Island is called:
A. INS Garuda B. INS Venduruthy C. INS Utkarsh D. INS Agrani
18. The rules of Delhi Sultanate patronized one of the following languages:-
A. Turkish B. ArabicC. Persian D. Sanskrit
19. Equatorial region is natural region lying between:
A. 20 North and 20 South of the equator
B. 50 North and 50 South of the equator
C. 70 North and 70 South of the equator
D. 100 North and 100 South of the equator
20. Which one of the following techniques has helped to solve many mysteries involving murders, rapes and robberies,
A. Gene splicing B. Computer tomography
C. Gene cloning D. DNA fingerprinting
21. The National Highway which connects Kanyakumari and Salem passing through Kerala is:
A. NH 17 B. NH 27 C. NH 37 D. NH 47
22. English was introduced as medium of instruction for University Education in India in the year 1838 by:
A. Lord Clive B. Lord Macaulay C. Lord Bentick D. Lord Curzon
23. The spinning of Earth on its axis is called:
A. Rotation B. Revolution C. Orbit D. Movement
24. Leukemia commonly called Blood Cancer is :
A. contagious B. hereditary C. infectious D. None of these
25. The Chairman of the join Parliamentary Committee who enquired in to the stock market scandal was:
A. George Fernadez B. Subramaniam swamy
C. Ram Nivas Mirdha D. AB Vajpayee
26. One whose recommendation was the Constituent Assembly formed ?
A. Lord Mountbatten B. Cripp’s Mission
C. The Cabinet Mission Plant D. Government of India Act
27. The smallest state in the world is:
A. Singapore B. Brunei C. Vatican City D. Luxembourg
28. Seismograph is an instrument used for measuring
A. Wind speed B. rainfall C. earthquake D. snowfall
29. The Raja Chelliah report placed on the table of Lok sabha on 29.9.92 relats to
A. Tax reforms C. Inter – State river water dispute
C. Bofors scandal D. Riots in Delhi in the year 1984
30. Lines drawn on a map through places having equal height above mean sea level are called
A. Isobars B. Grid C. Contours D. Scales
31. Magnetic field of electric current was discovered by
A. Fleming B. Ampere C. Faraday D. Oersted
32. The country which leads in the production of rubber is
A. India B. Malaysia C. Australia D. Sri Lanka
33. Which of the following in the best conductor of electricity?
A. Distilled water B. Saltwater C. Tap water D. Rain water
34. Stainless is an alloy of iron and
A. Chromium and nickel B. Nickel only
C. Chromium only D. None of these
35. Which of the following rights is issued by the High Court to trace a person said to be illegally detained by the police?
A. Quo warranto B. Mandamus C. Certiorari D. Habeas Corpus
36. Name the first Inspector – General of Police Kerala State
37. Which term won the 18th Champion Trophy 1996 (Hockey)
38. Who was the winner of Gandhi Peace Prize 1996?
39. Name the woman winner of Australian open 1998
40. BD Goenka Award is given for the excellence
41. Who won the Gold Flake World Billiards Professional championship 1996?
42. Name the country which won the Indira Gandhi Gold Cup Hockey 1996
43. Who received the Dadasaheb Phalke Award for 1997
44. Who headed the committee appointed by the UPSC to review the scheme of Civil Service Examination?
45. Who was the winner of the Santhosh trophy 1996?
46. Who was the awarded the Jawaharlal Nehru Award for International Understanding for 1994?
47. Who was the winner of the Davis Cup 1996?
48. Where are the Railway Divisional Headquarters located in Kerala?
49. Name the athlete who won a gold medal in Pole Vault in Atlanta Olympics
50. Who is the secretary General of the united Nations?
1. B. Dadabhai Naoroji 2. B. Red
3. C. environment 4. B. Nirad C Chowdhary
5. B. Trishna 6. A. 1945 October 30
7. None of the choice is correct Sunlight takes 500 seconds to each the earth(8 minuts 20 seconds)
8. B. first increase and then decrease
9. D. a member of Planning Commission
10. C. 1849 11. B. North east monsoon
12. C. Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome
13. C. Malaysia 14. D. Ala-ud –Din-Khilji
15. A. East 16. D. Hybrid variety of coconut.
17. C. INS Utkarsh 18. C. Persian
19. B. 50 North and 50 South of the equator
20. D. DNA fingerprinting 21. D. NH 47
22. B. Lord Macaulay 23. A. Rotation
24. D. None of these- It is caused due to the increase amount of White Blood cells (WBC’s)
25. C. Ram Nivas Mirdha 26. C. The Cabinet Mission Plant of 1946
27. C. Vatican City 28. C. earthquake
29. A. Tax reforms 30. C. Contours
31. C. Faraday 32. B. Malaysia
33. B. Saltwater 34. A. Chromium and nickel
35. D. Habeas Corpus

kerala psc model question papers, IBPS bank test question paper

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