Search Question Paper

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


1. Which of the following Malayali writers did not receive the “Jnanpith Award”?
A) M.T Vasudevan Nair B) Thakazhi C) S.K. Pottakkad D) Uroob
2. Among the works of Kumaran Asan, given below, which was published first?
A) Nalini B) Veenapoovu C) Leela D) Karuna
3. In which district is the Malampuzha Gardens ?
A) Idukki B) Malappuram C) Palakkad D) Thrissur
4. Which of the following places in Kerala is the northern most ?
A) Wayanad B) Valapattanam C) Kasaragod D) Kannur
5. Where is the Swiss project for Cattle development in Kerala situated ?
A) Vellayani B) Mannuthi C) Kunnamangalam D) Mattupetti
6. Who is the journalist associated with “Kesari” ?
A) Balakrishna Pillai B) Ramakrishna Pillai C) Mammen Mappila
D) Sanjayan
7. The law by which people are asked to submit to Government accounts of dealings in foreign currency is:
A) FREA B) Customs law C) Income-tax law D) TADA
8. The Konkan railway has been constructed between:
A) Thiruvananthapuram and Mumbai
B) Mangalore and Chennai
C) Thiruvananthapuram and Goa
D) Mangalore and Mumbai
9. The part of a computer, which receives the information supplied, is:
A) Control Unit B) Memory Unit C) Output Unit D) Input Unit
10. When did the dynasty of Sultans rule over India ?
A) Between 17th century A.D and 19th century A.D
B) Between 13th century A.D and 16th century A.D
C) Between 8th century A.D and 10th century A.D
D) Between 5th century A.D and 8th century A.D
11. The name given to the symbol of the National games held at Bangalore was
A) Nandi B) Nandu C) Appu D) Micky
12. The tennis player who won the ladies single championship in Wimbledon, the most times:
A) Monica Seles B) Steffi Graph C) Martina Hingis D) Martina Navratilova
13. Under what condition does a lunar eclipse take place?
A) The earth comes between the sun and the moon
B) The Moon comes between the sun and the earth
C) The sun comes between the earth and the moon
D) The sun, moon and earth are in a straight line in any order
14. The name given to the instrument sent to Mars, in 1997, for investigations , by moving around is:
A) Orbiter B) Viking C) Mariner D) Sojourner
15. Why is it that the color of earth is red at certain places ?
A) It contains more nitrogen
B) It contains oxides of iron
C) It contains sand formed out of red rocks
D) It does not contain alluvial soil
16. The film actor who received Dada Saheb Phalke Award for 1996, given in 1997 is
A) Kamala Hasan B) Dr. Raj Kumar C) Sivaji Ganeshan D) Ashok Kumar
17. Which of the following gives the percentage of carbon dioxide present in atmosphere?
A) 5% B) 3% C) .3% D) .03%
18. Whose name is associated with the Theory of Evolution?
A) Lamarck B) Weisman C) Charles Darwin D) De vries
19. The Paris Commune took place in
A) 1900 B) 1871 C) 1921 D) 1847
20. The Srimoolam Prajasabha was established in Travancore in :
A) 1904 B) 1910 C) 1918 D) 1932
21. In connection with which of the following movements did Gandhiji come to kerala ?
A) Guruvayoor Satyagraha B) Vaikam Satyagraha C) Paliam Satyagraha D) Salt Satyagraha
22. The Scientist who arranged elements to their increasing atomic weight is:
A) Dalton B) Avogadro C) Mendeleev D) Mendel
23. Which of the following is not a part of an atom?
A) Ion B) Electron C) Proton D) Neutron
24. Under which category of winds does the cyclone fall?
A) Local winds B) Trade winds C) Variable Winds D) Periodic Winds
25. Which of the metropolitan cities of India is nearest to the equator?
A) Delhi B) Mumbai C) Chennai D) Calcutta
26. The person who is said to be the “Iron man” of India is:
A) Subhash Chandra Bose B) Bhagat Singh C) V.K Krishna Menon
D) Sardar Vallabhai Patel
27. The person who occupied the post of the President of India for two sessions continuously was
A) Dr. Radhakrishnan B) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
C) Dr. Zakir Hussain D) Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma
28. The name given to a substance formed by the chemical combination of two more metal is
A) Alloy B) Ore C) Compound D) Mineral
29. To which of the following is Group III metal?
A) Calcium B) Aluminum C) Sodium D) Iron
30. Which of the following does petroleum belong?
A) Nitrate B) Oxide C) Fat D) Hydrocarbon
31. Paralysis is caused by disorders connected with
A) Muscles B) Lungs C) Joints D) Brain
32. The food item that provides energy for growth is:
A) Carbohydrates B) Vitamins C) Protins D) Minerals
33. The scientist who gave scientific laws of heredity for the first time was
A) Charles Darwin B) Issac Newton C) Lamarck D) Mendel
34. What is the physical basis of inheritance of characters in animals ?
A) Cells B) Genes C) Blood D) Tissues
35. Which of the following is an excretory organ ?
A) Kidney B) Intestine C) Liver D) Stomach
36) Which is a disease cause by disorder of the respiratory system ?
A) Hypertension B) Jaundice C) Imbalance of cholesterol
D) Pneumonia
37. Which of the following creatures is not purely aquatic?
A) Shark B) Whale C) Crocodile D) Octopus
38. Which of the following is a mammal ?
A) Crocodile B) Tortoise C) Bat D) Snake
39. With which crop is the name « Jaya » associated ?
A) Coconut B) Pepper C) Wheat D) Rice
40. Who was the Agricultural scientist who gave leadership to the “Green Revolution”?
A) Dr. M.S. Swaminathan B) Jagadeesh Chandra Bose
C) Dr. Chandrasekhar D) Dr. Khorana
41. Which of the following places has contributed to a famous variety of goats?
A) Malappuram B) Kasaragod C) Thalasseri D) Kozhikkode
42. Which of the following varieties of cows is Indian in origin?
A) Sindhi B) Jersy C) Hostein D) Swiss Brown
43. To which of the following is the term “Operation Flood” associated?
A) Time bound programme for better irrigation
B) Effort for increasing production of milk
C) Pevention of floods in Indian rivers
D) Military operation against militant forces
44. Where is the Central Rice Research Institute Situated ?
A) Pattambi B) Vellayani C) Kasargod D) Mannuthi
45. A non-living component of living cell is:
A) Ribosome B) Mitochondria C) Vacuole D) Endoplasmic reticulum
46. Which is an example for drupes?
A) Pea D) Mango C) Tomato D) Pineapple
47. A seed dispersed with the help of hairs on it is:
A) Drumstick (Muringa) B) Cotton C) Poppy D) Castor (Avanakku)
48. Which of the following is an artificial method of vegetative propagation?
A) Bulb. B) Rhizomes C) Tubers D) Grafting
49. Which is a disease spread by house flies?
A) Scabies B) Filaria C) Cholera D) Rabies
50. Which disease is not prevented by the triple vaccine?
A) Diphtheria B) Tetanus C) Polio D) Whooping cough
51. The fungus that produces alcohol is:
A) Penicillium B) Mushroom C) Rhizopus D) Yeast
52. The structure of DNA was discovered by:
A) Waston and Crick B) Har Gobindh Khorana
C) Wilkins and Franklin D) Linus pauling
53. Out of which part of a plant does its seed originate?
A) Ovary B) Ovule C) Stigma D) Embryo
54. Which disease is caused by the deficiency of vitamin D?
A) Anemia B) Scurvy C) Goitre D) Rickets
55. The central most space of tooth contains:
A) Pulp B) Dantine C) Enamel D) Cement
56. The name given to pollination by the agency of water is:
A) Anemophily B) Entophily C) Hydrophily
D) Ornithophily
57. What is the name given to the branch of study of the general structure of a living thing?
A) Ecology B) Anatomy C) Physiology D) Embryology
58. Normally hen’s eggs hatch in:
A) 30 Days B) 28 Days C) 21 days D) 14 days
59. Where is the Veterinary College in Kerala situated?
A) Vellayani B) Mattupetti C) Kasaragod D) Mannuthi
60. Germs, of which of the following diseases, is spread through water?
A) Malaria B) Filaria C) Jaundice D) Diarrhoea
61. Which is the place in Kerala where rearing of ducks is most popular?
A) Kuttanad B) Kayamkulam C) Kannur D) Idukki
62. Which of the following is non-vertebrate?
A) Snake B) Fish C) Cockroach D) Rog
63. Protein is not supplied by:
A) Rice B) Meat C) Fish D) Eggg
64. The gas produced by partial combustion of fules is:
A) Carbon dioxide B) Carbon monoxide C) Sulphur dioxide
D) Hydrogen peroxide
65. Which one is a communicable disease ?
A) Asthma B) Cancer C) Smallpox D) Arthritis
66. Transportation of food in plants takes places through:
A) Xylem B) Pores C) Cells D) Phloem
67. Which plant does brown hopper affect most?
A) Vegetables B) Rice C) Pepper D) Coconut
68. What is meant by hybridization?
A) Producing new varieties of plants that resist pests
B) Producing new varieties of plants or animals that give more yield
C) Producing new varieties of plants that give early yield
D) Producing new varieties of plants or animals by combining characteristics of two different varieties
69. The secretion of the liver is:
A) Bile B) Saliva C) Gastric Juice D) Hydrochloric acid
70. The organ that regulates body temperature in human beings is:
A) Hair B) Kidney C) Lungs D) Skin
71. Which of the following is an example for adventitious roots?
A) Carrot B) Beetroot C) Tapioca D) Radish
1. D) Uroob 2. B) Veenapoovu 3. C) Palakkad
4. C) Kasaragod 5. D) Mattupetti 6. A) Balakrishna Pillai
7. A) FREA 8. D) Mangalore and Mumbai 9. D) Input Unit
10. B) Between 13th Century and 16th Century A.D.
11. B) Nandu 12. D) Martina Navratilova
13. A) The earth comes between sun and moon
14. D) Sojourner 15. B) It contains oxides of iron.
16. C) Sivaji Ganesan. 17. D) .03% 18. C) Charles Darwin
19. B) 1871. 20. A) 1904 21. B) Vaikam Sathyagraha.
22. C) Mendeleev 23. A) Ion 24. D) Periodic winds.
25. C) Chennai 26. D) Sardar Vallabhai Patel.
27. B) Dr. Rajendra prasad 28. A) Alloy
29. B) Aluminum 30.D) Hydrocarbon
31. D) Brain 32. A) Carbohydrates
33. D) Mendel 34. B) Genes
35. A) Kidney 36. D) Pneumonia
37. C) Crocodile 38. C) Bat
39. D) Rice 40. A) Dr. M.S Swaminathan
41. A) Malappuram 42. A) Sindhi
43. B) Effort for increasing production of milk
44. A) Pattambi 45. C) Vacuole.
46. B) Mango 47. B) Cotton
48. D) Grafting 49. C) Cholera
50. C) Polio 51. D) Yeast
52. A) Waston and Crick 53. Ovary
54. D) Rickets 55. A) Pulp
56. C) Hydrophily 57. A) Ecology
58. C) 21 Days 59. Mannuthi
60. D) Diarrhoa 61. A) Kuttanad
62. C) Cockroach 63. A) Rice
64. B) Carbon monoxide 65. C) Smallpox
66. D) Pholem 67. B) Rice
68. D) Producing new varieties of plants or animals by combining characteristic of two different varieties.
69. A) Bile 70. D) Skin 71 C) Tapioca

kerala psc model question papers, IBPS bank test question paper

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