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Showing posts with label sbi clerk question paper. Show all posts

Friday, November 9, 2012

SBI Clerk

SBI – Clerk Reasoning Exam 2009
1. If it is possible to make only one meaningful word with the Third, Seventh, Eighth and Tenth letters of the word COMPATIBILITY, which of the following would be the last letter of that word ? If no such word can be made, give ‘X’ as your answer and if more than one such word can be formed, give your answer as ‘Y’.
(A) I
(B) B
(C) L
(D) X
(E) Y
Ans : (B)
2. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group ?
(A) Stem
(B) Tree
(C) Root
(D) Branch
(E) Leaf
Ans : (B)
3. How many meaningful three letter English words can be formed with the letters AER, using each letter only once in each word ?
(A) None
(B) One
(C) Two
(D) Three
(E) Four
Ans : (D)
4. In a certain code FINE is written HGPC.
How is SLIT written in that code ?
(E) None of these
Ans : (E)
5. If ‘Apple’ is called ‘Orange’, ‘Orange’ is called ‘Peach’, ‘Peach’ is called ‘Potato’, ‘Potato’ is called ‘Banana’, ‘Banana’ is called ‘Papaya’ and ‘Papaya’ is called ‘Guava’, which of the following grows underground ?
(A) Potato
(B) Guava
(C) Apple
(D) Banana
(E) None of these
Ans : (D)
6. If the digits in the number 86435192 are arranged in ascending order, what will be the difference between the digits which are second from the right and fourth from the left in the new arrangement ?
(A) One
(B) Two
(C) Three
(D) Four
(E) None
Ans : (D)
7. Each vowel of the word ADJECTIVE is substituted with the next letter of the English alphabetical series, and each consonant is substituted with the letter preceding it. How many vowels are present in the new arrangement ?
(A) None
(B) One
(C) Two
(D) Three
(E) None of these
Ans : (C)
8. If in a certain language LATE is coded as 8&4$ and HIRE is coded as 7*3$ then how will HAIL be coded in the same language ?
(A) 7&8*
(B) &7*8
(C) 7*&8
(D) 7&*8
(E) None of these
Ans : (D)
9. How many such pairs of letters are there in word ENGLISH, each of which has as many letters between its two letters as there are between them in the English alphabets ?
(A) None
(B) One
(C) Two
(D) Three
(E) More than three
Ans : (E)
10. In a certain code ‘na pa ka so’ means ‘birds fly very high’, ‘ri so la pa’ means ‘birds are very beautiful’ and ‘ti me ka bo’ means ‘the parrots could fly’. Which of the following is the code for ‘high’ in that language ?
(A) na
(B) ka
(C) bo
(D) so
(E) None of these
Ans : (A)
Directions—(Q. 11–15) In each of the questions below are given three statements followed by two conclusions numbered I and II. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. Read both the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts.
Read the statements and the conclusions which follow it and
Give answer—
(A) if only conclusion I is true.
(B) if only conclusion II is true.
(C) if either conclusion I or conclusion II is true.
(D) if neither conclusion I nor conclusion II is true
(E) if both conclusions I and II are true.
11. Statements : All stars are suns.
Some suns are planets.
All planets are satellites.
Conclusions :
I. Some satellites are stars.
II. No star is a satellite.
Ans : (C)
12. Statements : All fishes are birds.
All birds are rats.
All rats are cows.
Conclusions :
I. All birds are cows
II. All rats are fishes
Ans : (A)
13. Statements : All curtains are rods.
Some rods are sheets.
Some sheets are pillows.
Conclusions :
I. Some pillows are rods.
II. Some rods are curtains.
Ans : (B)
14. Statements : Some walls are windows.
Some windows are doors.
All doors are roofs.
Conclusions :
I. Some doors are walls.
II. No roof is a window.
Ans : (D)
15. Statements : All switches are plugs.
Some plugs are bulbs.
All bulbs are sockets.
Conclusions :
I. Some sockets are plugs.
II. Some plugs are switches.
Ans : (E)
Directions—(Q. 16–20) Study the sets of numbers given below and answer the questions, which follow :
489 – 541 – 654 – 953 – 983
16. If in each number, the first and the last digits are interchanged, which of the following will be the second highest number ?
(A) 489
(B) 541
(C) 654
(D) 953
(E) 783
Ans : (C)
17. If in each number, all the three digits are arranged in ascending order, which of the following will be the lowest number ?
(A) 489
(B) 541
(C) 654
(D) 953
(E) 783
Ans : (B)
18. Which of the following numbers will be obtained if the first digit of lowest number is subtracted from the second digit of highest number after adding one to each of the numbers ?
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4
(E) 5
Ans : (A)
19. If five is subtracted from each of the numbers, which of the following numbers will be the difference between the second digit of second highest number and the second digit of the highest number ?
(A) Zero
(B) 3
(C) 1
(D) 4
(E) 2
Ans : (B)
20. If in each number the first and the second digits are interchanged, which will be the third highest number ?
(A) 489
(B) 541
(C) 654
(D) 953
(E) 783
Ans : (D)
Directions—(Q. 21–25) Read the following information carefully and answer the questions, which follow :
‘A – B’ means ‘A is father of B’
‘A + B’ means ‘A is daughter of B’
‘A ÷ B’ means ‘A is son of B’
‘A × B’ means ‘A is wife of B’
21. Which of the following means P is grandson of S ?
(A) P + Q – S
(B) P ÷ Q × S
(C) P ÷ Q + S
(D) P × Q ÷ S
(E) None of these
Ans : (C)
22. How is P related to T in the expression ‘P + S – T’ ?
(A) Sister
(B) Wife
(C) Son
(D) Daughter
(E) None of these
Ans : (A)
23. In the expression ‘P + Q × T’ how is T related to P ?
(A) Mother
(B) Father
(C) Son
(D) Brother
(E) None of these
Ans : (B)
24. Which of the following means T is wife of P ?
(A) P × S ÷ T
(B) P ÷ S × T
(C) P – S ÷ T
(D) P + T ÷ S
(E) None of these
Ans : (E)
25. In the expression ‘P × Q – T’ how is T related to P ?
(A) Daughter
(B) Sister
(C) Mother
(D) Can’t be determined
(E) None of these
Ans : (D)
Directions—(Q. 26–30) In each of these questions a group of letters is given followed by four combinations of number/symbol lettered (A), (B), (C) & (D). Letters are to be coded as per the scheme and conditions given below. You have to find out the serial letter of the combination, which represents the letter group. Serial letter of that combination is your answer. If none of the combinations is correct, your answer is (E) i.e. None of these :
Letters# Q M S I N G D K A L P R B J E
Number/ Symbol# 7 @ 4 # % $ 6 1 2 £ 5 * 9 8 3
Conditions :
(i) If the first letter is a consonant and the last a vowel, both are to be coded as the code of the vowel.
(ii) If the first letter is a vowel and the last a consonant, the codes for the first and the last are to be interchanged.
(iii) If no vowel is present in the group of letters, the second and the fifth letters are to be coded as ©.
(A) 9©$7©%
(B) ©9$7%©
(C) 91$78%
(D) %1$789
(E) None of these
Ans : (A)
(A) #89*£$
(B) #89*£#
(C) $89*£#
(D) $89*£$
(E) None of these
Ans : (C)
(A) 92*#%4
(B) 924#*%
(C) 92*#%9
(D) 42*#%4
(E) None of these
Ans : (E)
(A) #£$21*
(B) £$21*3
(C) £$21*#
(D) #£$21#
(E) None of these
Ans : (B)
(A) 6@9%#2
(B) 2@9%#6
(C) 2@9%#2
(D) 2©9%#2
(E) None of these
Ans : (C)
Directions—(Q. 31–35) Study the following information carefully to answer these questions.
Eight persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H work for three different companies namely X, Y and Z. Not more than three persons work for a company. There are only two ladies in the group who have different specializations and work for different companies. Of the group of friends, two have specialization in each HR, Finance and Marketing. One member is an engineer and one is a doctor. H is an HR specialist and works with a Marketing specialist B who does not work for company Y. C is an engineer and his sister works in company Z. D is a specialist in HR working in company X while her friend G is a finance specialist and works for company Z. No two persons having the same specialization work together. Marketing specialist F works for company Y and his friend A who is a Finance expert works for company X in which only two specialists work. No lady is a marketing specialist or a doctor.
31. For which of the following companies does C work ?
(A) Y
(B) X
(C) Z
(D) Data inadequate
(E) None of these
Ans : (A)
32. Which of the following represents the pair working in the same company ?
(A) D and C
(B) A and B
(C) A and E
(D) H and F
(E) None of these
Ans : (E)
33. Which of the following combination is correct ?
(A) C–Z-Engineer
(B) E–X–Doctor
(C) H–X–HR
(D) C–Y–Engineer
(E) None of these
Ans : (D)
34. Who amongst the friends is a doctor ?
(A) H
(B) E
(C) C
(D) Either E or C
(E) None of these
Ans : (B)
35. Which of the following pairs represents the two ladies in the group ?
(A) A and D
(B) B and D
(C) D and G
(D) Data inadequate
(E) None of these
Ans : (C)
Directions—(Q. 36–40) In each of the questions given below which one of the five answer figures on the right should come after the problem figures on the left, if the sequence were continued ?
Ans : 36. (C) 37. (E) 38. (D) 39. (A) 40. (D)

Thursday, February 2, 2012


SBI BANK Clerk Solved Exam Paper
1. Which of the following has been selected for best parliamentarian of the year award 2007 ?
a) Priya Ranjan Das Munshi
b) Mani Shankar Aiyyar
c) P.Chidambaram
d) Sushama Swaraj
ANS : a
2. Fernando Lugo’s name was in news recently as he has taken over as the president of
a) Paraguay
b) Sudan
c) Afghanistan
d) Pakistan
ANS : a
3. ISRO has launched successfully ten satellites through PSLV-C9 on –
A. 15th March,2008
B. 30th March,2008
C. 28th April,2008
D. 4th May,2008
ANS : c
4. The newly constituted National Knowledge Commission is headed by
a) C. Rangarajan
b)Prof. R. S. Sharma
c) Sam Pitroda
d) Ms. Girija Vyas
ANS : c
5. India enacted an important event of Indian National Movement celebrating the seventy- fifth anniversary. Which was it?
a) Quit India Movement
b) Delhi Chalo Movement
c) Civil Disobedience Movement
d) Non – Cooperation Movement
ANS :c
6. Pope Benedict XVI belongs to which country?
a) Italy
b) Germany
c) France
d) Poland
ANS : b
7. The media campaign “ The World Is Waiting” is related to which of the following companies?
a) Lufthansa
b) Qatar Airways
c) Indian Airlines
d) British Airways
ANS : d
8. Who among the following has been elected as President of the International Council of Science Union?
a) E. Sreedharan
b) N. Ram
c) M. G. K. Menon
d) Goverdhan Mehta
ANS : d
9. Which of the following countries launched the smallest combat aircraft in the world?
a) Germany
b) India
c) Russia
d) USA
ANS : b
10. Who among the following British Governor- Generals shifted India’s capital from Calcutta to Delhi in 1911?
a) Lord Louis Mountbatten
b) Lord Canning
c) Lord Hardinge
d) Warren Hastings
ANS : c
11. “Golden Handshake” is the term associated with
a) Share market
b) Retirement benefits
c) Voluntary retirement benefits
d) Smuggling
ANS : c
12. Which of the following is the first surface- to- surface missile in India?
a) Prithvi
b) Trishul
c) Agni
d) Naag
ANS : a
13. Which country will be host 15th SAARC Summit in 2008 ?
a) Maldives
b) Sri Lanka
c) India
d) Pakistan
ANS : b
14. Mist is caused by
a) Dry ice
b) Ice at low temperature
c) Water vapours at low temperature
d) Carbon- monoxide in solid form
ANS : c
15. Who among the following has been chosen the Miss India Universe for the year 2008 ?
a) Parvathy Omanakuttan
b) Simaran Kaur Mundi
c) Amrita Thapar
d) Tanvi Vyas
ANS : b
16. Who among the following was the author of “Rajtarangini”, commonly regarded as the first genuine history of India written by an Indian?
a) Banbhatta
b) Ravikirti
c) Pushpadanta
d) Kalhana
ANS : d
17. Who among the following advocated Scientific Socialism?
a) Robert Owen
b) Proudhon Pierre Joseph
c) Karl Marx
d) Saint Simon Henri Claude
ANS : c
18. Which of the following Articles of the Indian Constitution deal with the Directive Principles of State Policy?
a) 26 to 41
b) 31 to 56
c) 36 to 51
d) 41 to 66
ANS: c
19) Which one of the following travelers is not associated with the description of the glories of Vijayanagar kingdom?
a) Abdur Razzaq
b) Paes
c) Ibn Batutah
d) Nuniz
ANS : c :
Abdur Razzaq- Deva Raya II
Paes- Krishna Deva Raya
Ibn Batutah- Harihara I
Nuziz- Achyut Deva Raya
20. The Chinese pilgrim Fa – Hien visited India during the reign of
a) Kanishka
b) Chandragupta I
c) Chandragupta II
d) Harshavardhana
ANS : c
21. Which of the following is the economic growth percentage projected in the 11th Five Year Plan draft that was approved by the Planning Commission in November 2007?
a) 8%
b) 9%
c) 9.5%
d) 10%
ANS : b
22. The Indian Navy’s only sailing ship, which returned to Kochi after a 10- month voyage around the globe is,
a) INS Vibhuti
b) INS Tarangini
c) INS Prabhat
d) INS Viraat
ANS : b
23) Who among the following is the Director General of International Monetary Fund (IMF) ?
a) Thaksin Shinawatra
b) Liang Guanglie
c) Dominique Strauss Kahn
d) Paul Wolfowitz
ANS : c
24) Who is the author of the book “Super Star India : From Incredible to Unstopable”?
a) Shobha De
b) Hillory Clinton
c) Dalai Lama
d) Imran Khan
ANS : a
25) What does CECA stand for?
a) Community Enabled Cooperative Arrangement
b) Comprehensive Ecological Cooperation Agreement
c) Comprehensive Ecological Cooperation Arrangement
d) Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement
ANS : d
26) John wheeler was associated with -
a) Physics
b) Chemistry
c) Botany
d) History
Ans : a

kerala psc model question papers, IBPS bank test question paper

SBI Clerk

Current General Knowledge
Objective Questions 2009
1. The Rs. 12,400 crore manned space mission of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is scheduled for launch by—
(A) 2020
(B) 2015
(C) 2030
(D) 2012
Ans : (B)
2. India plans a manned mission to the moon by—
(A) 2020
(B) 2025
(C) 2030
(D) 2012
Ans : (A)
3. A Judge (of a High Court) may be removed from his office by the President in the manner provided in clause (4) of ……… for the removal of a judge of the Supreme Court.
(A) Article 125
(B) Article 124
(C) Article 126
(D) Article 127
Ans : (B)
4. In order to remove judges of the Supreme Court or High Court through impeachment proceedings a motion is addressed to the President signed by at least—
(A) 100 members of Lok Sabha or 50 members of Rajya Sabha
(B) 50 members of Rajya Sabha or 150 members of Lok Sabha
(C) 80 members of Lok Sabha or 30 members of Rajya Sabha
(D) 60 members of Lok Sabha or 70 members of Rajya Sabha
Ans : (A)
5. Recently India and US have signed a pact on—
(A) petroleum
(B) biofuels
(C) atomic energy
(D) None of these
Ans : (B)
6. According to the UNICEF’s flagship report, ‘State of the World’s Children’ (2009) the number of women dying every year in India in Child Births is—
(A) 75000
(B) 77000
(C) 70000
(D) 78000
Ans : (D)
7. The Planning Commission has approved an ambitious scheme known as the Van Panchayat Yojna aiming at achieving the target of covering …………… of India’s geographical area with trees.
(A) 35%
(B) 40%
(C) 33%
(D) 28%
Ans : (C)
8. The Latest Forest Survey of India says that only ………… of the country’s land was covered with trees.
(A) 30%
(B) 22%
(C) 23%
(D) 20%
Ans : (C)
9. India has recently signed a pact for supply of reactors with—
(A) Areva
(B) U.S.A.
(C) Russia
(D) Japan
Ans : (A)
10. The last U.S.A. military base in Central Asia which was voted out by Kyrgyzstan’s Parliament was situated at—
(A) Manas
(B) Astana
(C) Bishkek
(D) Tashkant
Ans : (A)
11. Currently the Prime Minister of Iceland is—
(A) Geir Haarde
(B) Hugo Chavez
(C) Johanna Sigurdardottir
(D) None of the above
Ans : (C)
12. ……… Delhi Sustainable Development Summit (DSDS) was organised by The Energy and Resource Institute (TERI) in New Delhi recently—Fill in the blank with—
(A) Tenth
(B) Ninth
(C) Eleventh
(D) Eighth
Ans : (B)
13. BDR stands for—
(A) Border Development Force
(B) Border District Development
(C) Bangladesh Rifles
(D) Bangladesh Development Rifles
Ans : (C)
14. Zillur Rahman is the new President of—
(A) Malaysia
(B) Bangladesh
(C) Maldives
(D) Kazakhstan
Ans : (B)
15. Slumdog Millionaire won the Oscar Awards in—
(A) Eight categories
(B) Seven categories
(C) Six categories
(D) None of these
Ans : (A)
16. The Oscar Award for Best Actress has been bagged by—
(A) Dustin Lance Black
(B) Kate Winslet
(C) Vicky Christina
(D) None of the above
Ans : (B)
17. Sean Penn has got the Oscar Award 2009 for—
(A) Best Actor
(B) Best Director
(C) Adapted Screenplay
(D) Original Song
Ans : (A)
18. According to a recent report the percentage of all immigrant founded companies in last ten years founded by Indian immigrant is—
(A) 26%
(B) 30%
(C) 35%
(D) 40%
Ans : (A)
19. STPF stands for—
(A) Special Task Protection Force
(B) Special Tiger Protection Force
(C) Special Tiger Police Force
(D) None of the above
Ans : (B)
20. According to the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) report the country which tops the World Hunger Chart is—
(A) Sierra Leone
(B) India
(C) Somalia
(D) Pakistan
Ans : (B)
21. ‘Daughters of Shame’ is a book written by—
(A) Jasvinder Sanghera
(B) Mehar Fatima Hussain
(C) Kermit Roosevelt
(D) Shazia Aziz
Ans : (A)
22. Earth Day is observed on—
(A) April 22
(B) April 17
(C) April 30
(D) April 24
Ans : (A)
23. The winner of Chappell-Hadlee Trophy is—
(A) New Zealand
(B) Australia
(C) India
(D) West Indies
Ans : (B)
24. NPs Aulakh has been appointed as the new Chief of—
(A) National Security Guard
(B) Research and Analysis Wing
(C) Central Bureau of Investigation
(D) National Investigation Agency
Ans : (A)
25. According to recent estimates of Central Statistical Organisation (CSO) during 2008-09 India’s national income will grow at—
(A) 8·8%
(B) 10%
(C) 7·1%
(D) 8·5%
Ans : (C)
26. The winner of Australian Open Tennis Women’s Singles Title is—
(A) Dinara Safin
(B) Serena Williams
(C) Sania Mirza
(D) Venus Williams
Ans : (B)
27. Navin Chawla has been appointed as the new—
(A) Director General of Border Security Force
(B) National Security Guards Chief
(C) Central Bureau of Investigation Chief
(D) Chief Election Commissioner
Ans : (D)
28. The winner of Australian Open Tennis Men’s Singles Title is—
(A) Roger Federer
(B) Mahesh Bhupati
(C) Andy Murray
(D) Rafael Nadal
Ans : (D)
29. Indian Cricket team is the number …………… team in the latest ICC’s One Day ranking.
(A) Two
(B) Three
(C) Four
(D) Five
Ans : (B)
30. G-20 Finance Ministers meeting recently took place in—
(A) London
(B) Paris
(C) New Delhi
(D) Horsham
Ans : (D)
31. Who among the following personalities recently visited India ?
(A) Hillary Clinton
(B) Bill Clinton
(C) Martin Luther King III
(D) Martin Luther King IV
Ans : (C)
32. The World Wide Web (WWW) on March 13, 2009 marked its—
(A) 25th anniversary
(B) 30th anniversary
(C) 20th anniversary
(D) 35th anniversary
Ans : (C)
33. Luther L. Terry Award has been given to—
(A) K. Srinath Reddy
(B) K. Vishwanath
(C) Ronald M. Davis
(D) None of these
Ans : (A)
34. Who has recently overtaken Warren Buffet as world’s richest man ?
(A) Mukesh Ambani
(B) Anil Ambani
(C) Bill Gates
(D) Ratan Tata
Ans : (C)
35. The President of which of the following countries visited India in March 2009—
(A) Yugoslavia
(B) Benin
(C) Macedonia
(D) Turkey
Ans : (B)
36. According to Economist Intelligence Unit recent Survey the world’s costliest city is—
(A) New York
(B) Mumbai
(C) Washington
(D) Tokyo
Ans : (D)
37. The former Israeli President who has been charged with rape is—
(A) Benjamin Nitinyahu
(B) Shimon Peres
(C) Moshe Katsav
(D) Ariel Sharon
Ans : (C)
38. According to Tobacco Atlas in India roughly the number of people who are consuming tobacco is—
(A) 250 million
(B) 230 million
(C) 220 million
(D) 225 million
Ans : (B)
39. INS Viraat—the sole aircraft carrier in the Indian Ocean of the Indian Navy will celebrate its ………… in November 2009.
(A) Golden Jubilee
(B) Silver Jubilee
(C) Diamond Jubilee
(D) Platinum Jubilee
Ans : (A)
40. India recently launched Interceptor Missile on March 6, 2009 for—
(A) the fourth time
(B) the fifth time
(C) the third time
(D) the second time
Ans : (C)
41. The Chief Guest on 60th Republic Day of India was—
(A) Kazakhstan’s President
(B) Uzbekistan’s President
(C) Tajikistan’s President
(D) Kyrgyzstan’s President
Ans : (A)
42. The number of members of Global Advisory Council constituted by Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh is—
(A) 20
(B) 25
(C) 27
(D) 30
Ans : (A)
43. This year Pravasi Bhartiya Divas was celebrated in—
(A) Mumbai
(B) Madras
(C) Chennai
(D) Kolkata
Ans : (C)
44. Which of the following recently celebrated its Platinum Jubilee ?
(A) Indian Space Research Organisation
(B) Bhabha Atomic Research Centre
(C) Indian National Science Academy
(D) None of the above
Ans : (C)
45. The new Research and Analysis wing Chief is—
(A) Radha Vinod Raju
(B) M. N. Prasad
(C) J. K. Sodhi
(D) K. C. Verma
Ans : (D)
46. Which of the following Indian cricketers has not been inducted in ICC’s Hall of Fame ?
(A) Sachin Tendulkar
(B) Sunil Gavaskar
(C) Kapil Dev
(D) Bishen Singh Bedi
Ans : (A)
47. According to a recently published report, the State/Union Territory which has occupied top spot in Education index is—
(A) Lakshdeep
(B) Kerala
(C) Puducherry
(D) Karnataka
Ans : (C)
48. The runner-up in Australian Open 2009 (Men’s Singles) is—
(A) Rafael Nadal
(B) Mahesh Bhupati
(C) Roger Federer
(D) Andy Murray
Ans : (C)
49. The runner-up in Australian Open (Women’s Singles) 2009 is—
(A) Dinara Safin
(B) Venus William
(C) Serena William
(D) Sania Mirza
Ans : (A)
50. The winner of Parsvanath International Open Chess Tournament is—
(A) Mikhail Ulibin
(B) Surya Shekhar Ganguly
(C) Samresh Jung
(D) O. Sullevan
Ans : (B)
51. The Chairman of Anti Doping Panel constituted by the Government is—
(A) Jasmeet Singh
(B) Dinesh Dayal
(C) Dr. Vikas Ahluwalia
(D) Dinesh Khanna
Ans : (B)
52. This year National Games have been held in—
(A) Sikkim
(B) Assam
(C) Kerala
(D) Jharkhand
Ans : (D)
53. Which of the following was not the base of LTTE before being captured by Sri Lankan forces ?
(A) Muridke
(B) Elephant Pass
(C) Kilinochchi
(D) Mullaithivu
Ans : (A)
54. DRDO came into existence in—
(A) 1960
(B) 1958
(C) 1962
(D) 1965
Ans : (B)
55. This year Pankaj Advani has been given—
(A) Padma Vibhushan
(B) Padma Bhushan
(C) Padma Shri
(D) None of these
Ans : (C)
56. Who among the following has not been honoured with Padma Vibhushan ?
(A) Dr. Gurdip Singh Randhawa
(B) D. P. Chattopadhyay
(C) Govind Narain
(D) Chandrika Prasad Srivastava
Ans : (A)
57. ‘India and China—A Thousand Years of Cultural Relations’ is the book written by—
(A) Probodh Chandra Bagchi
(B) K. Bikram Singh
(C) Romila Thapar
(D) None of the above
Ans : (A)
58. World Consumer Rights Day is observed on—
(A) March 12
(B) March 15
(C) March 23
(D) March 24
Ans : (B)
59. The Government of India has declared……as the National Day for the Girl Child.
(A) February 25
(B) January 27
(C) March 22
(D) January 24
Ans : (D)
60. In 2007-08, Enrolment rate for Muslim children increased to—
(A) 8·41%
(B) 10·49%
(C) 9·39%
(D) 7·25%
Ans : (B)
61. The 75th edition of Ranji Trophy was won by—
(A) Uttar Pradesh
(B) Railways
(C) Rajasthan
(D) Mumbai
Ans : (D)
62. Recently, the scientist who came into news is—
(A) Albert Einstein
(B) Charles Darwin
(C) Newton
(D) Vikram Sarabhai
Ans : (B)
63. In the Interim Budget 2009-10 the Government of India has allocated for its flagship programmes, the amount of—
(A) Rs. 112,571 crore
(B) Rs. 122, 841 crore
(C) Rs. 131,317 crore
(D) Rs. 451,311 crore
Ans : (C)
64. The new Prime Minister of Zimbabwe is—
(A) Robert Mugabe
(B) Morgan Tsvangirai
(C) Thabo Mbeki
(D) None of the above
Ans : (B)
65. In recently held elections in Israel, the political party which emerged largest in terms of number of seats is—
(A) Likud Party
(B) Kadima Party
(C) Labour Party
(D) Yisrael Beiteinu
Ans : (A)
66. 35th National Games will be held in—
(A) Tamil Nadu
(B) Karnataka
(C) Gujarat
(D) Kerala
Ans : (D)
67. Prashant Prakash and Kalki Koechlin are the winners of—
(A) Padma Shree
(B) Metro Plus Playwright Award
(C) Assam Ratna
(D) None of the above
Ans : (B)
68. The winner of Duleep Trophy is—
(A) East Zone
(B) South Zone
(C) West Zone
(D) North Zone
Ans : (C)
69. The Punjab Gold Cup has been won by—
(A) Poland
(B) The Netherlands
(C) England
(D) Norway
Ans : (B)
70. World Social Forum meeting was recently held in—
(A) Paris
(B) Belem
(C) Davos
(D) Moscow
Ans : (B)
71. The controversial Pakistani scientist who was recently in news is—
(A) Abdul Jamal
(B) Shah Mahmood Qureshi
(C) Kazi Hussain
(D) Abdul Qadir Khan
Ans : (D)
72. The new Chairman of Satyam Computer Services is—
(A) Kiran Karnik
(B) Prem Chand Gupta
(C) Habil Khorkiwala
(D) R. N. Mittal
Ans : (A)
73. In Iraqi Parliamentary elections Prime Minister Nouri-Al-Maliki’s candidates have won in—
(A) 14 provinces
(B) 9 provinces
(C) 8 provinces
(D) 7 provinces
Ans : (B)
74. In the latest ICC ODI (Team) ranking, India has occupied—
(A) No. 2 position
(B) No. 3 position
(C) No. 4 position
(D) None of these
Ans : (A)
75. The Sustainable Leadership Award has been given to—
(A) R. K. Pachauri
(B) Bill Gates
(C) Ban Ki-Moon
(D) Arundhati Roy
Ans : (C)
76. ‘QUARK 2009’ is—
(A) An exhibition on peaceful uses of Nuclear Energy
(B) India’s ambitious project to Mars
(C) India-Russia joint noval exercise
(D) Annual-National level technical festival of BITs Pilani
Ans : (D)
77. ‘Best Executive 2008’ by Asia-money magazine has been given to—
(A) S. M. Natrajan
(B) O. P. Bhatt
(C) Ravinder Zutshi
(D) C. B. Bhav
Ans : (B)
78. Twelve new frog species have been found in—
(A) Konkan region
(B) Malwa
(C) Eastern Ghats
(D) Western Ghats
Ans : (D)
79. Sheik Sharif Ahmed is the new President of—
(A) Uganda
(B) Rawanda
(C) Somalia
(D) Morocco
Ans : (C)
80. India’s Moon Impact Probe (MIP) landed on Moon’s Surface on—
(A) November 10, 2008
(B) November 11, 2008
(C) November 14, 2008
(D) November 15, 2008
Ans : (C)
81. Stolt Valor which was recently hijacked by sea-pirates belongs to—
(A) Germany
(B) Japan
(C) U.S.A.
(D) Saudi Arabia
Ans : (B)
82. During the Egyptian President’s visit to India in November 2008 five pacts were signed with Egypt. Which of the following was not signed ?
(A) Pact in the field of health and medicine
(B) Agreement on purchasing petrol at cheaper rate
(C) An extradition treaty
(D) Agreement on abolition of visa for specific categories
Ans : (B)
83. Hosni Mubarak, Egyptian President who recently visited India, has been the President of his country since—
(A) 1971
(B) 1981
(C) 1961
(D) 1990
Ans : (B)
84. On November 12, 2008 India testfired successfully Shourya missile. It is a—
(A) Air to air missile
(B) Air to surface missile
(C) Surface to surface missile
(D) Surface to sea missile
Ans : (C)
85. ITR stands for—
(A) International Tariff Rate
(B) Integrated Trial Rate
(C) Integrated Trial Range
(D) Integrated Test Range
Ans : (D)
86. Recently National River Status has been granted to—
(A) Mahanadi
(B) Ganga
(C) Sindhu
(D) Brahmaputra
Ans : (B)
87. Pt. Bhimsen Joshi who has been declared ‘Bharat Ratna’ winner was born in—
(A) Gadag
(B) Palakkad
(C) Pune
(D) Mysore
Ans : (A)
88. Under the revised pay scale of Judges as approved by the Union Cabinet on November 27, 2008, which of the following pairs/matches is not correct ?
(A) Chief Justice of India—Rs. 1 lakh per month
(B) Chief Justice of the High Court—Rs. 90,000 per month
(C) Judge of the High Court—Rs. 80,000 per month
(D) Judge of the Supreme Court—Rs. 85,000 per month
Ans : (D)
89. The Security forces of India launched……to flush out terrorists which wreaked havoc in Mumbai in the last week of November 2008.
(A) Operation Liberate Mumbai
(B) Operation Sea Storm
(C) Operation Black Tornadoes
(D) Operation Thunder storm
Ans : (C)
90. The highest number of electoral college votes during U.S.A. Presidential Election belongs to—
(A) California
(B) Florida
(C) Connecticut
(D) Virginia
Ans : (A)
91. In U.S.A. Presidential election, 2008 Barack Obama got—
(A) 371 electoral college votes
(B) 320 electoral college votes
(C) 364 electoral college votes
(D) 360 electoral college votes
Ans : (C)
92. The author of which of the following is not Barack Obama ?
(A) Dream from My Father
(B) Thoughts on Reclaiming Dream
(C) It Takes a Nation : How Strangers Became Family
(D) My Great America
Ans : (D)
93. European Union-Russia summit was held recently at—
(A) Nice
(B) Bonn
(C) St. Petersburgh
(D) London
Ans : (A)
94. Abu Dhabi was recently in news for hosting—
(A) Arab Women’s Conference
(B) OPEC Summit
(C) APEC Summit
(D) Arab League Summit
Ans : (A)
95. By an agreement between Iraq and the U.S.A., the latter has committed to withdraw its troops from Iraq by—
(A) 2010
(B) 2011
(C) 2009
(D) 2012
Ans : (B)
96. BIMSTEC is—
(A) Seven-member nation organisation
(B) Eight-member nation organisation
(C) Nine-member organisation
(D) Six-member nation organisation
Ans : (A)
97. Recently BIMSTEC held its—
(A) Third Summit
(B) Fourth Summit
(C) Second Summit
(D) Fifth Summit
Ans : (C)
98. Which of the following countries leads space launch tally ?
(A) U.S.A.
(B) Russia
(C) Japan
(D) E.U.
Ans : (B)
99. The headquarters of APEC (Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation) is situated at—
(A) Kuala Lumpur
(B) Singapore
(C) Lima
(D) Santiago
Ans : (B)
100. Who has recently been made the first ambassador to the Geneva based Global fund to fight Aids, tuberculosis and malaria ?
(A) Amitabh Bachchan
(B) Britney Spears
(C) Carla Bruni
(D) Zinedine Zidane
Ans : (C)
101. Indira Gandhi Prize for Peace, Disarmament and Development for 2008 has been conferred on—
(A) Dr. Mohammad El Bardei
(B) Hosni Mubarak
(C) Shabana Azmi
(D) Nelson Mandela
Ans : (A)
102. The prestigious Jnanpith award winner for 2005 is—
(A) Abdul Rahman Rahi
(B) Kunwar Narayan
(C) Ravindra Kelekar
(D) Satyavarat Shastri
Ans : (B)
103. ‘The Bikini Murders’ is a book by—
(A) Erez Mandela
(B) J. V. Braun
(C) Farukh Dhondy
(D) Martin Dupuls
Ans : (C)
104. LTTE’s administrative headquarters is situated at—
(A) Batticaola
(B) Kilinochchi
(C) Puthumu Rippu
(D) Ariviyal Nakar
Ans : (B)
105. UNO recently banned Pakistan based terrorist organisation—
(B) United Taliban Front
(C) Al-Humijat
(D) Jamat-ud-Dawa
Ans : (D)
106. The six important inscriptions which have recently come to light in Tamil Nadu’s 1200 year old Shiva Temple reveal—
(A) Early Chola history
(B) Early Kushans history
(C) Early Mauryan history
(D) Early Sangam history
Ans : (A)
107. LITE is the proposed Maiden Moon Mission of—
(A) Germany
(B) France
(C) Britain
(D) Japan
Ans : (C)
108. The 2008 World Snooker Champion is—
(A) Pankaj Advani
(B) Colm Gilcreest
(C) Thepchai Un-Nooh
(D) None of the above
Ans : (C)
109. The male sports man chosen as Athlete of the Year 2008 is—
(A) Usain Bolt
(B) Dayron Robles
(C) Angelo Taylor
(D) Henry Rono
Ans : (A)
110. The Champion of 2008 Formula one Races is—
(A) Kim Raikkonen
(B) Lewis Hamilton
(C) Felipe Massa
(D) Robert Kubica
Ans : (B)
111. According to Forbes latest list, the fourth richest Indian is—
(A) Anil Ambani
(B) Kushal Pal Singh
(C) Sunil Mittal
(D) Lakshmi Mittal
Ans : (C)
112. India ranks………..on Global Gender-Gap Index.
(A) 115th
(B) 113th
(C) 110th
(D) 111th
Ans : (B)
113. IBEx is—
(A) NASA’s Probe
(B) EU’s Probe
(C) EU NASA joint Probe
(D) None of the above
Ans : (A)
114. According to Forbes Magazine the richest lady of India is—
(A) Indira Nooyi
(B) Sonia Gandhi
(C) Savitri Jindal
(D) Teena Ambani
Ans : (C)
115. National Women Excellence Award 2008 has been given to—
(A) Pritika Kalra Gandhi
(B) Sheila Dixit
(C) Sharmila Tagore
(D) Shabana Azmi
Ans : (A)
116. The female Athlete of the Year Award has been conferred on—
(A) Yelena Isinbayeva
(B) Tirunesh Dibaba
(C) Pamela Jelimo
(D) Anne Frazer
Ans : (A)
117. World Junior Badminton Championship (Woman’s title) has been won by—
(A) Sayaka Sato
(B) Fu Mingtian
(C) Saina Nehwal
(D) Xie Jing
Ans : (C)
118. India’s first 3G Technology-based mobile phone service of MTNL was launched on—
(A) December 15, 2008
(B) December 11, 2008
(C) December 10, 2008
(D) December 8, 2008
Ans : (B)
119. The new Chief Minister of Mizoram is—
(A) P. A. Sangma
(B) Mr. Lalthanhawla
(C) R. Lalzirliana
(D) H. Liansailova
Ans : (B)
120. According to National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) the number of farmers who committed suicides during 2007 is—
(A) 16,632
(B) 4,238
(C) 11,026
(D) 1,21,617
Ans : (A)
121. India–U.S. Civil Nuclear Cooperation Agreement was signed on—
(A) October 11, 2008
(B) October 20, 2008
(C) October 15, 2008
(D) October 5, 2008
Ans : (A)
122. The IIM Review Committee which recommended higher government control on IIMs is headed by—
(A) M. K. Prasad
(B) R.C. Bhargava
(C) Ravi Kumar
(D) C. Rangrajan
Ans : (B)
123. India launched its first Moon Mission Chandrayaan-1 on—
(A) October 10, 2008
(B) October 15, 2008
(C) October 20, 2008
(D) October 22, 2008
Ans : (D)
124. The Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle which put Chandrayaan-1 into its orbit is—
(A) PSLV-C-9
(B) PSLV-C-8
(C) PSLV-C-11
(D) PSLV-C-7
Ans : (C)
125. India is the ……country to send Moon Mission.
(A) Fifth
(B) Fourth
(C) Sixth
(D) Seventh
Ans : (B)
126. The number of instruments which the spacecraft Chandrayaan carried is—
(A) 15
(B) 20
(D) 9
Ans : (C)
127. Union Cabinet has cleared Right to Education Bill which is the enabling legislation to notify—
(A) The 91th Constitutional Amendment
(B) The 86th Constitutional Amendment
(C) The 95th Constitutional Amendment
(D) The 93rd Constitutional Amendment
Ans : (B)
128. On October 15, 2008 the……IBSA Summit concluded in New Delhi.
(A) Third
(B) Fourth
(C) Fifth
(D) Sixth
Ans : (A)
129. The IBSA Dialogue Forum was formalised through the adoption of the Brasilia Declaration in—
(A) 2004
(B) 2003
(C) 2005
(D) 2006
Ans : (B)
130. ACD stands for—
(A) Asian Cooperative Dialogue
(B) Asia Cooperation Dialogue
(C) Asia China Dialogue Forum
(D) Asian-Chinese Dialogue
Ans : (B)
131. The number of member countries who participated in Asia-Europe Meeting Summit held on October 24-25, 2008 was—
(A) 45
(B) 40
(C) 35
(D) 30
Ans : (A)
132. The new-President of Maldives is—
(A) Abdul Gayoom
(B) Mohammad Anni Nasheed
(C) Mohammad Irshad
(D) Abdul Qadir
Ans : (B)
133. Which of the following states has topped in Governments’ Primary Education Development Index ?
(A) Delhi
(B) Madhya Pradesh
(C) Kerala
(D) Tamil Nadu
Ans : (C)
134. EDI stands for—
(A) Enforcement Directorate Index
(B) Education Development Infrastructure
(C) Education and Development Identity
(D) Education Development Index
Ans : (D)
135. Which one of the following is not the winner of 2008 Nobel Prize in Medicine ?
(A) Professor Herald Zur Hausen
(B) Martin Chalfi
(C) Prof. Luc Montagnier
(D) Francoise Barre-Sinoussi
Ans : (B)
136. Which one of the following is not the winner of 2008 Nobel Prize in Physics ?
(A) Jean Marie Gustave Le Clezio
(B) Makoto Kobayashi
(C) Toshihide Maskawa
(D) Yoichiro Nambu
Ans : (A)
137. Which one of the following has not won the 2008 Nobel Prize in Chemistry ?
(A) Martin Chalfi
(B) Roger Y. Tsien
(C) Osamu Shimomura
(D) Franco Basse Sinoussi
Ans : (D)
138. Traditionally, the first of Nobel Prizes awarded each year in the category of—
(A) Physics
(B) Chemistry
(C) Medicine
(D) Literature
Ans : (C)
139. The Alternative Nobel Prizes are—
(A) Magsaysay Awards
(B) Right to Livelihood Awards
(C) Global Energy Awards
(D) Grammy Awards
Ans : (B)
140. National Consumer Rights Day is observed on—
(A) December 4
(B) December 7
(C) December 24
(D) December 10
Ans : (C)

kerala psc model question papers, IBPS bank test question paper

SBI Clerk

Clerk (First Shift) Exam, 2009
(Held on 22-11-2009)
General Awareness : Solved Paper
1. As per the reports of the survey conducted by various agencies jointly, which of the following
countries is adjudged as the ‘Most Favoured Nation’ for back office support to the world’s major multinationals ?
(A) China
(B) South Africa
(C) Singapore
(D) India
(E) None of these
Ans : (D)
2. Which of the following nations is found at the top of the ‘World’s Green, Index’, compiled by various global agencies jointly ?
(A) China
(B) India
(D) Britain
(E) Japan
Ans : (B)
3. The President of India in her first speech in the joint session of the current parliament had said that every family living below poverty line would get 25 kg. of wheat/rice per month at @ Rs. 3 per kg. To achieve this she recommended enacting of which of the following Acts ?
(A) National Rural Employment Guarantee Act
(B) National Agricultural Commodities and Warehousing Act
(C) Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension Act
(D) National Minimum Wages Act
(E) National Food Security Act
Ans : (E)
4. As per the news paper reports, India is in the process of purchasing some ‘mid-air refuellers’ from a global supplier. These ‘mid-air refuellers’ are being procured for which of the following establishments ?
(A) Indian Airlines and Air India
(B) Indian Air Force
(C) Ministry of Civil Aviation
(D) Pawan Hans
(E) Ministry of Surface Transport
Ans : (B)
5. The Govt. of India announced a special relief package of several thousand crores of rupees for which of the following sections of our society ?
(A) Senior Citizens
(B) Women Employees of Central Government
(C) Farmers
(D) Workers in unorganized sectors
(E) All of these
Ans : (C)
6. The present Lok Sabha is formed after the ……….
(A) 13th general elections
(B) 14th general elections
(C) 15th general elections
(D) 16th genral elections
(E) None of these
Ans : (C)
7. As per the reports published in various newspapers, the number of India’s wireless subscribers has become about 400 million. Which of the following agencies, as a regulator, has published this data ?
(A) Telecom Regulatory Authority of India
(C) Department of Telecommunication Services (DTS)
(D) Association of Cellular Service Providers
(E) None of these
Ans : (A)
8. Late Y. S. Rajasekhar Reddy who passed away a few months back was holding which of the following positions ?
(A) Chief Minister of a state
(B) Union Cabinet Minister
(C) Governor of a State
(D) Chief Secretary of a State
(E) India’s permanent Representative in the UNO
Ans : (A)
9. The ‘H1N1’ virus is responsible for the outbreak of which of the following in the world ?
(B) Swine Flue
(C) Polio
(D) T.B.
(E) Chikungunya
Ans : (B)
10. Who amongst the following is NOT a member of the present Union Cabinet ?
(A) Ambika Soni
(B) Kamalnath
(C) Rahul Gandhi
(D) Jyotiraditya Scindia
(E) Vilasrao Deshmukh
Ans : (C)
11. Which of the following agencies has estimated that by the year 2015 about a quarter of India’s population will be living in extreme poverty ?
(A) Asian Development Bank
(B) World Bank
(C) U N Economic and Social Council
(D) U N Food and Agricultural Organisation
(E) International Monetary Fund
Ans : (B)
12. The war between Russia and which of the following nations in 2008 is known as ‘August war’ ?
(A) Georgia
(B) Iran
(C) Slovakia
(D) Afghanistan
(E) None of these
Ans : (A)
13. Which of the following is Bank Rate at present ?
(A) 3%
(B) 4%
(C) 5%
(D) 6%
(E) None of these
Ans : (D)
14. India is NOT a member of which of the following organizations ?
Ans : (E)
15. Which of the following schemes is launched by the Ministry of Rural Development ?
(A) Mid Day Meal Scheme
(B) Janani Suraksha Yojana
(C) Know India Programme
(D) National Food for Work Programme
(E) None of these
Ans : (E)
16. Almost all Banks in India are running special schemes for providing banking services to rural poor. This concept is popularly known as ……….
(A) Faster Growth
(B) Trade Finance
(C) SME Finance
(D) Investment Banking
(E) Financial Inclusion
Ans : (E)
17. Special emphasis by the Govt. of India on which of the following will certainly improve the performance of the agriculture sector in country within a short span of time ?
(A) Focussed Public Distribution System
(B) Sanitation & Health Services
(C) Rural Employment
(D) Better irrigation facilities
(E) All of these
Ans : (E)
18. The Reserve Bank of India is in the process of selling its stake in which of the following agencies /organizations ?
(B) Food Corporation of India
(C) Steel Authority of India Ltd.
(D) Bombay Stock Exchange
(E) None of these
Ans : (A)
19. The market value of all final goods and services produced and/made with the geographical boundaries of a country in a year is known as ……….
(A) Gross Domestic Product
(B) Gross National Saving
(C) Gross Fiscal Deficit
(D) Gross Domestic Capital Formation
(E) None of these
Ans : (A)
20. Organisation of workers in which of the following groups has proved a very effective way of providing micro finance by banks to the rural people and poor in India ?
(A) Self Help Groups
(B) Vriksha Mitras
(C) Shiksha Sevaks
(D) Accredited Social Health Activist (ASHA)
(E) Link Workers
Ans : (A)
21. Which of the following things is done in the Union Budget 2009-10, to help ‘Tax payers’ in India ?
(A) Mobile phones, branded jewellery and leather products will cost less as the Custom duty is reduced on them
(B) Allocation under Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana is increased by 30%
(C) Farm Loan Waiver scheme is extended to 31st December 2009
(D) Fringe Benefit Tax abolished
(E) None of these
Ans : (D)
22. The Government of India has increased its allocation of funds to which of the following schemes by 144% in current union budget, as it has proved to be a very popular scheme amongst the rural job seekers ?
(A) Integrated Rural Development Programme
(B) National Food for Work Programme
(C) Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana
(D) National Rural Employment Guarantee Act
(E) None of these
Ans : (D)
23. Which of the following Acts is enacted to help the Union Govt. to manage its budgeted finances and fiscal deficit in a very disciplined manner ?
(A) The Competition Act
(B) The Banking Regulation Act
(C) The Negotiable Instruments Act
(D) Foreign Exchange Management Act
(E) Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act
Ans : (E)
24. Which of the following is NOT a banking related term ?
(A) Discount
(B) Credit
(C) Reynolds Number
(D) Post Dated Cheque
(E) Time Deposit
Ans : (C)
25. Who amongst the following was awarded Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna in 2009 ?
(A) Sachin Tendulkar
(B) Abhishek Jha
(C) Saina Nehwal
(D) M. C. Mary Kom
(E) None of these
Ans : (D)
26. Which of the following books is written by Sunil Gavaskar ?
(A) By God’s Decree
(B) Freedom From Fear
(C) Sunny Days
(D) Story of My Life
(E) None of these
Ans : (C)
27. Who amongst the following can never be a winner of the Nobel Prize ?
(A) An Author
(B) A Medical Doctor
(C) An Economist
(D) A Physicist
(E) A world famous Musician
Ans : (E)
28. Which of the following awards is NOT given by the Government of India ?
(A) Bharat Ratna
(B) Padma Vibhushan
(C) Ashok Chakra
(D) Kalinga Prize
(E) All are given by the Government of India
Ans : (D)
29. Which of the following operations is conducted after a gap of every ten years ?
(A) Economic survey
(B) Estimates of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
(C) Compilation of Human Development Report
(D) Census of Small Scale Enterprises
(E) General Census
Ans : (E)
30. Which of the following schemes is launched to make Indian cities free from slums in days to come ?
(A) Indira Awas Yojana
(B) Bharat Nirman
(C) Rajiv Awas Yojana
(D) Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission
(E) None of these
Ans : (C)
31. Which of the following is NOT the name of an irrigation system prevalent in India ?
(A) Sprinkler System
(B) Silage System
(C) Drip System
(D) Furrow System
(E) Canal System
Ans : (B)
32. Deep Joshi was given Raman Magsaysay Award in 2009 for his contribution in the field of ……….
(A) literature
(B) sports
(C) cinema
(D) journalism
(E) rural development
Ans : (E)
33. Which of the following terms is used in the game of Badminton ?
(A) Double Fault
(B) Punch
(C) Follow on
(D) Tee
(E) None of these
Ans : (A)
34. Cashew nut is not produced as a major product in which of the following states ?
(A) Maharashtra
(B) Goa
(C) Uttar Pradesh
(D) Orissa
(E) Andhra Pradesh
Ans : (C)
35. Late Norman Borlaug who passed away recently, was famous for his contribution to which of the following in India ?
(A) Operation Flood
(B) Operation Black Board
(C) Co-operative Movement in Milk production
(D) Green Revolution
(E) None of these
Ans : (D)
36. Which of the following cups/trophies is NOT related with the game of cricket ?
(A) Deodhar Trophy
(B) Irani Trophy
(C) Subroto Cup
(D) Ranji Trophy
(E) ICC Trophy
Ans : (C)
37. Which of the following books is written by Namita Gokhale ?
(A) A Himalayan Love Story
(B) Soul Mountain
(C) A New World
(D) The Last Hero
(E) None of these
Ans : (A)
38. Which of the following taxes is not levied by the Government of India ?
(A) Income Tax
(B) Professional Tax
(C) Excise Duty
(D) Dividend Distribution Tax
(E) Capital Gain Tax
Ans : (B)
39. Which of the following cups/trophies is associated with the game of Lawn Tennis ?
(A) Bomba Gold Cup
(B) Davis Cup
(C) Ranji Trophy
(D) Vizzy Trophy
(E) Nehru Trophy
Ans : (B)
40. Who amonst the following was a famous author and director ?
(A) C. V. Raman
(B) Vijay Tendulkar
(C) Bidhanchandra Roy
(D) Bismillah Khan
(E) Vilayat Khan
Ans : (B)

kerala psc model question papers, IBPS bank test question paper

SBI Clerk

SBI – Clerk Recruitment Exam 2009
General English
Directions—(Q. 1–12) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words have been printed in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions.
Keshava, the washerman had a donkey. They worked together all day, and Keshava would pour out his heart to the doneky. One day, Keshava was walking home with the donkey when he felt tired. He tied the donkey to a tree and sat down to rest for a while, near a school. A window was open, and through it, a teacher could be heard scolding the students. ‘Here I am, trying to turn you donkeys into human beings, but you just won’t study !’ As soon as Keshava heard these words, his ears pricked up. A man who could actually turn donkeys into humans ! This was the answer to his prayers. Impatiently, he waited for school to be over that day. when everyone had gone home, and only the teacher remained behind to check some papers, Keshava entered the classroom.
‘How can I help you ?’ asked the teacher. Keshava scratched his head and said, ‘I heard what you said to the children. This donkey is my companion. If you made it human, we could have such good times together.’ The teacher decided to trick Keshava. He pretended to think for a while and then said, ‘Give me six months and it will cost you a thousand rupees.’ The washerman agreed and rushed home to get the money. He then left the donkey in the teacher’s care.
After the six months were up, Keshava went to the teacher. The teacher had been using the donkey for his own work. Not wanting to give it up, he said, ‘Oh, your donkey became so clever that it ran away. He is the headman of the next village.’ When Keshava reached the next village he found the village elders sitting under a tree, discussing serious problems. How surprised they were when Keshava marched up to the headman, grabbed his arm and said, ‘How dare you ? You think you are so clever that you ran away ? Come home at once !’
The headman understood someone had played a trick on Keshava. ‘I am not your donkey !’ he said. ‘Go find the sage in the forest.’ Keshava found the sage sitting under a tree with his eyes closed, deep in meditation. He crept up and grabbed the sage’s beard. ‘Come back home now !’ he shouted. The startled sage somehow calmed Keshava. When he heard what had happened, he had a good laugh. Then he told the washerman kindly, ‘The teacher made a fool of you. Your donkey must be still with him. Go and take it back from him. Try to make some real friends, who will talk with you and share your troubles. A donkey will never be able to do that !’ Keshava returned home later that day with his donkey, sadder and wiser.
1. Which of the following can be said about the teacher ?
(A) He had the ability to transform animals into human beings
(B) He took advantage of Keshava’s simple nature
(C) He had plotted with the village headman to cheat Keshava
(D) He enjoyed teaching children though he was poorly paid
(E) He was honest and used Keshava’s money to care for the donkey
Ans : (B)
2. Why did Keshava talk to his donkey while working ?
(A) He wanted to practise his communication skills because he wanted to make friends
(B) To entertain himself because he found his work monotonous
(C) The donkey helped him to find answers to his problems
(D) He regarded the doneky as his friend and confided in him
(E) He believed the donkey to be a human being in disguise
Ans : (E)
3. How did Keshava get his donkey back ?
(A) He threatened to take the teacher to the village elders
(B) The sage forced the teacher to release the donkey
(C) He asked the village headman for help
(D) The teacher returned it on learning that Keshava had learnt his lesson
(E) None of these
Ans : (E)
4. Which of the following is NOT true in the context of the passage?
(a) The donkey was over burdened by the teacher.
(b) The teacher was cunning by nature.
(c) The sage laughed at Keshava and treated him unkindly.
(A) Both (a) & (c)
(B) Both (b) & (c)
(C) Only (b)
(D) All (a), (b) & (c)
(E) None of these
Ans : (A)
5. Why was Keshava keen to meet the teacher one day ?
(A) Keshava wanted to ask the teacher how to make his donkey a better companion
(B) He wanted to learn more prayers as he was devout
(C) He had been reliably informed that the teacher had changed donkeys into human beings
(D) He heeded the teacher’s words of advice and wanted to study
(E) None of these
Ans : (A)
6. Why did Keshava interrupt the discussion among the village elders ?
(A) He did not agree with their views on different issues
(B) To confront the headman who had cheated him out of one thousand rupees
(C) He wanted them to get justice for him
(D) He was looking for the donkey and wanted to ask for directions
(E) None of these
Ans : (E)
7. What made Keshava pull the sage’s beard ?
(A) He wanted to wake up the sage who was a sleep under the tree
(B) The headman requested him to move the sage from under the tree
(C) He wanted the sage to explain what had happened to the donkey
(D) He misunderstood the village headman and took the sage to be his donkey
(E) None of these
Ans : (D)
8. Why did the teacher ask Keshava to leave the donkey with him for six months ?
(a) He realised that the donkey would require a lot of training.
(b) To reduce Keshava’s dependence on the donkey.
(c) He wanted to rescue the donkey from Keshava who did not know to treat the donkey properly.
(A) None
(B) Only (b)
(C) Both (a) & (b)
(D) Only (c)
(E) None of these
Ans : (A)
Directions—(Q. 9–10) Choose the word which is MOST SIMILAR in MEANING to the word printed in bold as used in the passage.
9. trick
(A) joke
(B) skill
(C) mislead
(D) technique
(E) lunny
Ans : (C)
10. remained
(A) pending
(B) waited
(C) lasted
(D) survived
(E) continued
Ans : (D)
Directions—(Q. 11–12) Choose the word which is MOST OPPOSITE in MEANING to the word printed in bold as used in the passage.
11. real
(A) false
(B) imitated
(C) dishonest
(D) imagine
(E) genuine
Ans : (A)
12. deep
(A) low
(B) distracted
(C) flat
(D) awake
(E) sleep
Ans : (B)
Directions—(Q. 13–17) Which of the phrases (A), (B), (C) and (D) given below each sentence should replace the phrase printed in bold in the sentence to make it grammatically correct ? If the sentence is correct as it is given and ‘No Correction is Required’, mark (E) as the answer.
13. The company has set up a foundation which helps students who do not have the necessary funds to study ahead.
(A) further to study
(B) of studying more
(C) to study onward
(D) for higher studies
(E) No Correction Required
Ans : (D)
14. If this land is used to cultivate crops it will be additionally source of income for the villagers.
(A) a source of additional
(B) an additionally source
(C) an additional source
(D) additionally the source
(E) No Correction Required
Ans : (C)
15. Belonged to this cadre, you are eligible for facilities such as free air travel and accommodation.
(A) since you belong to
(B) whoever belongs
(C) for belonging to
(D) to belong in
(E) No Correction Required
Ans : (A)
16. The bank has hired a consultant who will look into any issues which arise during the merger.
(A) is looking over
(B) will be looked after
(C) will look out
(D) looks down on
(E) No Correction Required
Ans : (E)
17. I had severe doubts about if I successfully run a company, but my father encouraged me.
(A) if I am successful in
(B) how should I successfully
(C) whether I could successfully
(D) that I would succeed to
(E) No Correction Required
Ans : (C)
Directions—(Q. 18–22) In each question below a sentence with four words printed in bold type is given. These are lettered as (A), (B), (C) and (D). One of these four words printed in bold may be either wrongly spelt or inappropriate in the context of the sentence. Find out the word which is wrongly spelt or inappropriate if any. The letter of that word is your answer. If all the words printed in bold are correctly spelt and also appropriate in the context of the sentence, mark (E) i.e. ‘All Correct’ as your answer.
18. RBI has attempted (A) to spend (B) financial (C) awareness (D) through this programme. All Correct (E)
Ans : (B)
19. In order to succeed (A) it is crucial (B) for an organisation to constantly (C) improve. (D) All Correct (E)
Ans : (E)
20. With some assistance (A) from her son she was enable (B) to settle (C) her debts (D) on time. All Correct (E)
Ans : (B)
21. Though the government initiated (A) a large sum (B) of money in the scheme (C) it was a failure. (D) All Correct (E)
Ans : (A)
22. We have prepared a detailed (A) report giving various (B) solutions (C) to resort (D) the problem. All Correct (E)
Ans : (D)
Directions—(Q. 23–27) Rearrange the following six sentences (a), (b), (c), (d), (e) and (f) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph; then answer the questions given below them.
(a) I was pleased by their reaction.
(b) Writing my speech was easy, but I was unsure if I could motivate the employees to donate to those affected by the earthquake.
(c) Instead of throwing out their unusable articles, they had transferred them to my office in the name of donations.
(d) When a reputed company invited me to deliver a lecture on Corporate Social Responsibility, I agreed.
(e) It was an affluent company and the well dressed employees who met me afterwards promised to send lots of donations to my office.
(f) What I saw however when I opened the bags of ‘donations’ they had sent shocked me.
23. Which of the following should be the SECOND sentence after rearrangement ?
(A) (b)
(B) (c)
(C) (d)
(D) (e)
(E) (f)
Ans : (A)
24. Which of the following should be the THIRD sentence after rearrangement ?
(A) (a)
(B) (b)
(C) (c)
(D) (d)
(E) (e)
Ans : (E)
25. Which of the following should be t h e FOURTH sentence after rearrangement ?
(A) (a)
(B) (b)
(C) (c)
(D) (d)
(E) (e)
Ans : (A)
26. Which of the following should be the LAST (SIXTH) sentence after rearrangement ?
(A) (b)
(B) (c)
(C) (d)
(D) (e)
(E) (f)
Ans : (B)
27. Which of the following should be the FIRST sentence after rearrangement ?
(A) (a)
(B) (b)
(C) (c)
(D) (d)
(E) (e)
Ans : (D)
Directions—(Q. 28–32) Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error or idiomatic error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The letter of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is (E).
(Ignore errors of punctuation, if any.)
28. He has travelled (A) / all over the world (B) / yet he speaks (C) / several languages fluently. (D) No error (E)
Ans : (C)
29. A successful company is (A) / any that makes a good (B) / profit and provides (C) / high returns to its shareholders. (D) No error (E)
Ans : (B)
30. The agreement on (A) / which all of us have (B) / worked so hard will (C) / be sign tomorrow. (D) No error (E)
Ans : (D)
31. It is necessarily to maintain (A) / a record of all transactions (B) / in case the auditors (C) / want to see it. (D) No error (E)
Ans : (A)
32. Very few young trainees (A) / willingly undertake (B) / a posting to a branch (C) / located in a rural area. (D) No error (E)
Ans : (E)
Directions—(Q. 33–40) In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.
Today, twenty-two years after the bank …(33)…, it has over a thousand branches all over the country and the staff …(34)… about twentythree lakh borrowers. We decided to operate …(35)… from conventional banks who would ask their clients to come to their office. Many people in rural areas found this …(36)…. Our bank is therefore based on the …(37)… that people should not come to the bank but that the bank should go to the people. Our loans are also …(38)… we give them for activities from candle making to tyre repair. We also keep …(39)… checks on the borrower through weekly visits. We do this to make certain that the family of the borrower is …(40)… from the loan.
33. (A) origin
(B) commence
(C) existed
(D) began
(E) inaugurated
Ans : (E)
34. (A) assemble
(B) cope
(C) interact
(D) deal
(E) handle
Ans : (E)
35. (A) differently
(B) similar
(C) reverse
(D) opposite
(E) identically
Ans : (A)
36. (A) worried
(B) upset
(C) panicking
(D) anxious
(E) threatening
Ans : (D)
37. (A) principle
(B) discipline
(C) opportunity
(D) chance
(E) advantage
Ans : (A)
38. (A) worth
(B) vary
(C) disburse
(D) contrast
(E) diver
Ans : (B)
39. (A) consistently
(B) regular
(C) often
(D) frequently
(E) daily
Ans : (B)
40. (A) benefiting
(B) serving
(C) welfare
(D) obliged
(E) progress
Ans : (A)

kerala psc model question papers, IBPS bank test question paper

SBI Clerk

SBI – Clerk Recruitment Exam., 2009
General Awareness
1. Which of the following States will soon have its first Civil Airports ?
(A) Jammu & Kashmir
(B) Maharashtra
(C) Assam
(D) Meghalaya
(E) Sikkim
Ans : (E)
2. Who amongst the following made the 41st Test Century of his career recently ?
(A) Saurav Ganguly
(B) V. V. S. Laxman
(C) Rahul Dravid
(D) Sachin Tendulkar
(E) None of these
Ans : (D)
3. Which of the following was/were the objective(s) of the Mission Chandrayaan 1 ?
(a) Preparing dimensional atlas of the lunar surface.
(b) Chemical Mapping of the entire lunar surface.
(c) Locating minerals in the soil of the moon.
(A) Only (a)
(B) Only (b)
(C) Only (c)
(D) All (a), (b) & (c)
(E) None of these
Ans : (D)
4. Which of the following States introduced a high tech foodgrain rationing system to ensure timely supply of the foodgrains to people living below poverty line ?
(A) Maharashtra
(B) Tamil Nadu
(C) Delhi
(D) West Bengal
(E) Karnataka
Ans : (E)
5. Which of the following is NOT a part of India’s Money Market ?
(A) Bill Markets
(B) Call Money Market
(C) Banks
(D) Mutual Funds
(E) Indian Gold Council
Ans : (E)
6. Which of the following is the objective of the project ‘Bhoomi Keralam’ launched by the State Govt. ?
(A) To conduct a survey of the land
(B) To bring those people back who have left the State and settled in other States
(C) To provide financial security to farmers who are in distress
(D) To identify those tribals who need jobs or financial assistance
(E) None of these
Ans : (A)
7. Which of the following countries adopted its new constitution recently ?
(A) Russia
(B) Equadore
(C) South Korea
(D) North Korea
(E) None of these
Ans : (B)
8. Which of the following awards was given to Pt. Bhimsen Joshi recently (2008) ?
(A) Padma Bhushan
(B) Sangit Natak Academy Award
(C) Maharashtra Bhushan
(D) Karnataka Ratna
(E) Bharat Ratna
Ans : (E)
9. Which of the following States got its first Rail link recently ?
(A) Haryana
(B) Arunachal Pradesh
(C) Sikkim
(D) Manipur
(E) Jammu & Kashmir
Ans : (E)
10. Barack Hussain Obama belongs to which of the following political parties ?
(A) Republican
(B) Democratic
(C) Labour
(D) American National Congress
(E) None of these
Ans : (B)
11. Which of the following is/are NOT the features of India’s Foreign Trade policy (2004 to 2009)?
(a) To double India’s percentage share of global trade from present 0·7 per cent to 1·5 per cent by 2009.
(b) Simplifying the procedures and bringing down the cost.
(c) Make SAARC countries India’s most preferred foreign trade partners by 2009.
(A) Only (a)
(B) Only (b)
(C) Only (c)
(D) All (a), (b) & (c)
(E) Only (a) & (c)
Ans : (C)
12. Stephen Harper whose name was in news recently is the ……….
(A) President of Canada
(B) Prime Minister of Canada
(C) President of Italy
(D) Prime Minister of Switzerland
(E) Foreign Minister of U.S.A.
Ans : (B)
13. Which of the following is NOT a fertilizer product ?
(A) Urea
(B) Murate of Potash
(C) Di Amonium Phosphate
(D) Calcium Carbonate
(E) All are fertilizers
Ans : (E)
14. A Rs. 35,000 crore JSW Steel Plant project was inaugurated in West Bengal recently. The project is setup / developed in ……….
(A) Singur
(B) Nandigram
(C) Salboni
(D) Malda
(E) Joynagar
Ans : (C)
15. Which of the following State Govts. Has announced that it will provide a special package of incentives to Employment Intensive Industries ?
(A) Punjab
(B) Karnataka
(C) Tamil Nadu
(D) Uttar Pradesh
(E) Bihar
Ans : (C)
16. Which of the following nations has decided to increase its co-operation in the field of energy with India ?
(A) Russia
(B) China
(C) Bangladesh
(D) Nepal
(E) Japan
Ans : (A)
17. Which of the following services is NOT provided by the post offices in India ?
(A) Savings Bank Scheme
(B) Retailing of Mutual Funds
(C) Sale of stamp Papers (Judicial)
(D) Issuance of Demand Drafts
(E) Life Insurance cover
Ans : (D)
18. Mohammed Anni Nasheed is the newly elected President of ……….
(A) Fiji
(B) Maldives
(C) Iraq
(D) Iran
(E) None of these
Ans : (B)
19. Who amongst the following is the winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature 2008 ?
(A) Jean Marie Gustave Le Clezio
(B) Martti Ahtisaari
(C) Yoichiro Nambu
(D) Francoise Barre Sinoussi
(E) None of these
Ans : (A)
20. A national level commission of India has asked about twenty States to set up which of the following commissions in their States as early as possible ?
(A) Farmers Commission
(B) Women Commission
(C) Child Welfare Commission
(D) Law Commission
(E) None of these
Ans : (D)
21. Which of the following is/are the measure(s) taken by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to ease the liquidity crunch in the country ?
(a) Cut in Cash Reserve Ratio and Statutory Liquidity Ratio.
(b) Increase the flow of foreign direct investment.
(c) Supply of additional currency notes in the market.
(A) Only (a)
(B) Only (b)
(C) Only (c)
(D) All (a), (b) & (c)
(E) None of these
Ans : (A)
22. The third India Brazil and South Africa (IBSA) Summit took place in which of the following dies recently ?
(A) Brazilia
(B) New Delhi
(C) Suncity
(D) Salvador
(E) Durban
Ans : (B)
23. Which of the following States has dcided to set up Arsenic Removal Plants in all the districts of the State to enable itself to provide arsenic free drinking water to all the people by 2010-11 ?
(A) Karnataka
(B) Kerala
(C) West Bengal
(D) Orissa
(E) Maharashtra
Ans : (C)
24. Who amongst the following is the author of the book ‘The Exile’ ?
(A) B. G. Verghese
(B) Philip Roth
(C) Aravind Adiga
(D) Navtej Saran
(E) None of these
Ans : (D)
25. Which of the following programmes is being implemented in all the districts of the country ?
(A) Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan
(B) Navodaya Vidhyalay
(C) Ultra Mega Power Project
(D) Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyuthikara Yojana
(E) None of these
Ans : (A)
26. The Govt. of India decided to provide a bonus price of Rs. 50 per quintal on which of the following products over and above its minimum support price of Rs. 850 per quintal ?
(A) Wheat
(B) Paddy
(C) Sugarcane
(D) Cotton
(E) None of these
Ans : (B)
27. Who amongst the following is the author of the book ‘The Namesake’ ?
(A) Vikram Seth
(B) V. S. Naipaul
(C) Arun Bhagat
(D) Anita Desai
(E) Jhumpa Lahiri
Ans : (E)
28. Besides USA India has signed Nuclear Agreement with which of the following countries and is named as ‘Co-operation Agreement for Peaceful uses of Nuclear Energy’ ?
(A) Italy
(B) Germany
(C) France
(D) Canada
(E) Australia
Ans : (C)
29. Tzipi Livini whose name was in news recently is from which of the following countries ?
(A) Singapore
(B) South Korea
(C) Austria
(D) Israel
(E) None of these
Ans : (D)
30. World Ozone day is observed on ……….
(A) 16th September
(B) 16th October
(C) 16th November
(D) 26th September
(E) 26th October
Ans : (A)
31. Which of the following is NOT a Govt. Sponsored organization ?
(A) Small Industries Development Bank of India
(C) National Housing Bank
(D) ICICI Bank
(E) All are Govt. sponsored
Ans : (D)
32. ‘Merdeka Cup’ is associated with the game of ……….
(A) Badminton
(B) Football
(C) Hockey
(D) Golf
(E) Tennis
Ans : (B)
33. India’s Space Rocket Launching Centre is in ……….
(A) Portblair
(B) Hassan
(C) Tirupati
(D) Kochi
(E) Sri Harikota
Ans : (E)
34. The National Games scheduled in 2011 will be organized in ……….
(A) Bengaluru
(B) Goa
(C) Kolkata
(D) Kochi
(E) Jaipur
Ans : (B)
35. Which of the followiing diseases is not covered under Integrated Disease Surveillance project ?
(A) Cholera
(B) Tuberculosis
(D) Polio
(E) Cancer
Ans : (E)
36. Which of the following is TRUE about ‘Antyodaya Anna Yojana’ ?
(a) Scheme is for Below Poverty Line families.
(b) People are provided cooked meals under the scheme.
(c) All beneficiaries of National Rural Employment Guarantee Act are covered in this scheme.
(A) Only (a)
(B) Only (b)
(C) Only (c)
(D) All (a), (b) & (c)
(E) None of these
Ans : (E)
37. Jelena Jankovic of Serbia won which of the following titles of tennis after defeating Svetlana Kuznetsova ?
(A) China Open
(B) Japan Open
(C) New Zealand Open
(D) Australian Open
(E) None of these
Ans : (A)
38. Who amongst the following is the Minister of Home Affairs in Union Cabinet of India at present ?
(A) Shivraj Patil
(B) Lalu Prasad Yadav
(C) P. Chidambaram
(D) Sharad Pawar
(E) None of these
Ans : (C)
39. Banks are required to pay how much percentage of their net bank credit to Priority Sector is advance ?
(A) 5%
(B) 7%
(C) 10%
(D) 15%
(E) None of these
Ans : (C)
40. Dronacharya Award is given for excellence in ……….
(A) Literacy Work
(B) Social Service
(C) Coaching in Sports
(D) Journalism
(E) None of these
Ans : (C)

kerala psc model question papers, IBPS bank test question paper

SBI Clerk

SBI – Clerk Recruitment Exam., 2009
Marketing Aptitude/Computer Knowledge
1. A keyboard is this kind of device—
(A) black
(B) input
(C) output
(D) word Processing
(E) None of these
Ans : (B)
2. IT stands for—
(A) information Technology
(B) integrated Technology
(C) intelligent Technology
(D) interesting Technology
(E) None of these
Ans : (A)
3. Which of the following refers to the fastest, biggest and most expensive computers ?
(A) Personal Computers
(B) Supercomputers
(C) Laptops
(D) Notebooks
(E) None of these
Ans : (B)
4. A collection of related information sorted and dealt with as a unit is a—
(A) disk
(B) data
(C) file
(D) floppy
(E) None of these
Ans : (C)
5. The process of a computer receiving information from a server on the Internet is known as—
(A) pulling
(B) pushing
(C) downloading
(D) transferring
(E) None of these
Ans : (C)
6. Which part of the computer helps to store information ?
(A) Disk drive
(B) Keyboard
(C) Monitor
(D) Printer
(E) None of these
Ans : (A)
7. ………………is the process of carrying out commands.
(A) Fetching
(B) Storing
(C) Executing
(D) Decoding
(E) None of these
Ans : (C)
8. The role of a………generally is to determine a buyer’s needs and match it to the correct hardware and software.
(A) computer Scientist
(B) computer sales representative
(C) computer consultant
(D) corporate trainer
(E) None of these
Ans : (B)
9. Which of the following groups consist of only output devices ?
(A) Scanner, Printer, Monitor
(B) Keyboard, Printer, Monitor
(C) Mouse, Printer, Monitor
(D) Plotter, Printer, Monitor
(E) None of these
Ans : (D)
10. The rectangular area of the screen that displays a program, data, and/or information is a—
(A) title bar
(B) button
(C) dialog box
(D) window
(E) None of these
Ans : (D)
11. A(n)………contains commands that can be selected.
(A) pointer
(B) menu
(C) icon
(D) button
(E) None of these
Ans : (B)
12. An error is also known as—
(A) bug
(B) debug
(C) cursor
(D) icon
(E) None of these
Ans : (A)
13. Arithmetic Operations—
(A) involve matching one data item to another to determine if the first item is greater than, equal to, or less than the other item
(B) sort data items according to standard, predefined criteria in ascending order or descending order
(C) use conditions with operators such as AND, OR and NOT
(D) include addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
(E) None of these
Ans : (D)
14. Sending an e-mail is similar to—
(A) picturing an event
(B) narrating a story
(C) writing a letter
(D) creating a drawing
(E) None of these
Ans : (C)
15. Promotion in Marketing means—
(A) passing an examination
(B) elevation from one grade to another
(C) selling the products through various means
(D) selling the product in specific areas
(E) None of these
Ans : (C)
16. Microsoft Word is an example of—
(A) an operating system
(B) a processing device
(C) application software
(D) an input device
(E) None of these
Ans : (B)
17. Sources of Sales Leads are—
(A) Data Mining
(B) Market Research
(C) Media Outlets
(D) Promotional Programs
(E) All of these
Ans : (E)
18. Any data or instruction entered into the memory of a computer is considered as—
(A) storage
(B) output
(C) input
(D) information
(E) None of these
Ans : (A)
19. Which part of the computer displays the work done ?
(B) printer
(C) monitor
(E) None of these
Ans : (C)
20. One of the methods for Market Monitoring is—
(A) to watch TV serials
(B) to discuss with other sales persons
(C) to monitor media outlets
(D) All of these
(E) None of these
Ans : (C)
21. Market Expansion means—
(A) hiring more staff
(B) firing more staff
(C) buying more products
(D) buying more companies
(E) None of these
Ans : (E)
22. A series of instructions that tells a computer what to do and how to do it is called a—
(A) program
(B) command
(C) user response
(D) processor
(E) None of these
Ans : (A)
23. Effective marketing helps in—
(A) developing new products
(B) creating a competitive environment
(C) building demand for products
(D) All of these
(E) None of these
Ans : (D)
24. Which is the part of a computer that one can touch and feel ?
(A) Hardware
(B) Software
(C) Programs
(D) Output
(E) None of these
Ans : (A)
25. A Call in Marketing means—
(A) to phone the customers
(B) to visit the customers
(C) to visit the marketing site
(D) to call on prospective customers
(E) None of these
Ans : (D)
26. Delivery Channel means—
(A) maternity wards
(B) handing over the products to the buyers
(C) places where products are made available to the buyers
(D) All of these
(E) None of these
Ans : (C)
27. Processing involves—
(A) inputting data into a computer system
(B) transforming input into output
(C) displaying output in a useful manner
(D) providing relevant answers
(E) None of these
Ans : (B)
28. One of the following is a target group for the marketing of Internet Banking.
(A) All the customers
(B) All the educated customers
(C) All the computer educated customers
(D) Only creditors
(E) All of these
Ans : (C)
29. Innovation mean—
(A) Product Designing
(B) New ideas
(C) Impulse
(D) Both (A) and (B)
(E) None of these
Ans : (D)
30. One of the following is a target group for the marketing of educational loan.
(A) All the customers
(B) Students
(C) Only poor students
(D) Students having promising educational track record
(E) All of these
Ans : (B)
31. Service after sale is not the function of—
(A) Marketing staff
(B) Seller
(C) Director of the company
(D) Employees of the company
(E) All of the above are wrong
Ans : (A)
32. If done through………the rural marketing would be more effective.
(A) fairs
(B) village fairs
(C) door to door campaign
(D) All of these
(E) None of these
Ans : (B)
33. Market Survey means—
(A) Market Research
(B) Market Planning
(C) Marketing Strategies
(D) Market Monitering
(E) All of these
Ans : (A)
34. ………can be done through digital Banking ?
(A) Mobile phone
(B) Internet
(C) Telephone
(D) All of these
(E) None of these
Ans : (A)
35. A good seller should have the following quality/qualities ?
(A) Devotion to the work
(B) Submissive
(C) Sympathy
(D) All of these
(E) None of these
Ans : (D)
36. The rural marketing is not required because—
(A) rural people do not understand marketing
(B) its not practical from the cost point of view
(C) it is sheer wastage of time
(D) All are wrong
(E) All are correct
Ans : (D)
37. Planned-cost service means—
(A) Costly products
(B) Extra profit on the same cost
(C) Extra work by seller
(D) All of these
(E) None of these
Ans : (B)
38. Internet marketing means—
(A) Self-marketing
(B) Core Groups monitering
(C) Employees marketing
(D) All of these
(E) None of these
Ans : (E)
39. The aim of successful marketing is—
(A) to increase the sale
(B) to increase the profit
(C) to increase the output of sellers
(D) All of these
(E) None of these
Ans : (D)
40. The networking becomes……through networking.
(A) very difficult
(B) dull
(C) easy
(D) has no role in marketing
(E) None of these
Ans : (C)

kerala psc model question papers, IBPS bank test question paper

SBI Clerk

SBI – Clerk Recruitment Exam 2009
Quantitative Aptitude
Directions—(Q. 1–6) What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following questions ?
1. 196 × 948 ÷ 158 = ?
(A) 1156
(B) 1200
(C) 1188
(D) 1176
(E) None of these
Ans : (D)
2. (786 × 64) ÷ 48 = ?
(A) 1050
(B) 1024
(C) 1048
(D) 1036
(E) None of these
Ans : (C)
3. 3·5 + 11·25 × 4·5 – 32·5 = ?
(A) 18·275
(B) 21·625
(C) 32·375
(D) 25·45
(E) None of these
Ans : (B)
4. (2640 ÷ 48) × (2240 ÷ 35) = ?
(A) 3520
(B) 3515
(C) 3495
(D) 3490
(E) None of these
Ans : (A)
5. 7414 + 3698 + 1257 + 1869 = ?
(A) 14328
(B) 14438
(C) 13428
(D) 13248
(E) None of these
Ans : (E)
6. (98360 + 25845 – 36540) ÷ 2500 = ?
(A) 36·585
(B) 30·082
(C) 32·085
(D) 35·066
(E) None of these
Ans : (D)
Directions—(Q. 7–11) What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following number series ?
7. 1, 9, 25, 49, ?, 169
(A) 100
(B) 64
(C) 81
(D) 121
(E) None of these
Ans : (D)
8. 3, 23, 43, ?, 83, 103
(A) 33
(B) 53
(C) 63
(D) 73
(E) None of these
Ans : (C)
9. 748, 737, 715, 682, 638, ?
(A) 594
(B) 572
(C) 581
(D) 563
(E) None of these
Ans : (E)
10. 121, 117, 108, 92, 67, ?
(A) 31
(B) 29
(C) 41
(D) 37
(E) None of these
Ans : (A)
11. 50, 26, 14, ?, 5, 3·5
(A) 6
(B) 8
(C) 10
(D) 12
(E) None of these
Ans : (B)
12. The ratio of ducks and frogs in a pond is 37 : 39 respectively. The average number of ducks and frogs in the pond is 152. What is the number of frogs in the pond ?
(A) 148
(B) 152
(C) 156
(D) 144
(E) None of these
Ans : (C)
13. The number of employees in Companies A, B and C are in a rtio of 4 : 5 : 6 respectively. If the number of employees in the three Companies is increased by 25%, 30% and 50% respectively, what will be the new ratio of employees working in Companies A, B and C respectively ?
(A) 13 : 10 : 18
(B) 10 : 13 : 17
(C) 13 : 15 : 18
(D) Cannot be determined
(E) None of these
Ans : (E)
14. The average of five positive numbers is 213. The average of the first two numbers is 233·5 and the average of last two numbers is 271. What is the third number ?
(A) 64
(B) 56
(C) 106
(D) Cannot be determined
(E) None of these
Ans : (B)
15. Sonali invests 15% of her monthly salary in insurance policies. She spends 55% of her monthly salary in shopping and on household expenses. She saves the remaining amount of Rs. 12,750. What is Sonali’s monthly income ?
(A) Rs. 42,500
(B) Rs. 38,800
(C) Rs. 40,000
(D) Rs. 35,500
(E) None of these
Ans : (A)
16. In how many different ways can the letters of the word ‘ARISE’ be arranged ?
(A) 90
(B) 60
(C) 180
(D) 120
(E) None of these
Ans : (D)
17. What approximate amount of compound interest can be obtaied on an amount of Rs. 9650 at the rate of 6 p.c.p.a. at the end of 3 years ?
(A) Rs. 1737
(B) Rs. 1920
(C) Rs. 1720
(D) Rs. 1860
(E) Rs. 1843
Ans : (E)
18. A milkman sells 120 litres of milk for Rs. 3360 and he sells 240 litres of milk for Rs. 6120. How much concession does the trader give per litre of milk, when he sells 240 litres of milk ?
(A) Rs. 2
(B) Rs. 3·5
(C) Rs. 2·5
(D) Rs. 1·5
(E) None of these
Ans : (C)
19. When 3626 is divided by the square of a number and the answer so obtained is multiplied by 32, the final answer obtained is 2368. What is the number ?
(A) 7
(B) 36
(C) 49
(D) 6
(E) None of these
Ans : (A)
20. The sum of the two digits of a two digit number is 14. The difference between the first digit and the second digit of the two digit number is 2. What is the product of the two digits of the two digit number ?
(A) 56
(B) 48
(C) 45
(D) Cannot be determined
(E) None of these
Ans : (B)
21. A car runs at the speed of 50 kms per hour when not serviced and runs at 60 kms/hr. when serviced. After servicing the car covers a certain distance in 6 hours. How much time will the car take to cover the same distance when not serviced ?
(A) 8·2 hours
(B) 6·5 hours
(C) 8 hours
(D) 7·2 hours
(E) None of these
Ans : (D)
Directions—(Q. 22–24) What approximate value should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following questions ?
(You are not expected to calculate the exact value.)
22. (4863 + 1174 + 2829) ÷ 756 = ?
(A) 18
(B) 16
(C) 12
(D) 9
(E) 22
Ans : (C)
23. 37·35 + 13·064 × 3·46 = ?
(A) 89
(B) 83
(C) 76
(D) 79
(E) 85
Ans : (B)
24. 54 × 746 ÷ 32 = ?
(A) 1259
(B) 1268
(C) 1196
(D) 1248
(E) 1236
Ans : (A)

kerala psc model question papers, IBPS bank test question paper

SBI Clerk

SBI – Clerk Reasoning Exam 2009
1. If it is possible to make only one meaningful word with the Third, Seventh, Eighth and Tenth letters of the word COMPATIBILITY, which of the following would be the last letter of that word ? If no such word can be made, give ‘X’ as your answer and if more than one such word can be formed, give your answer as ‘Y’.
(A) I
(B) B
(C) L
(D) X
(E) Y
Ans : (B)
2. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group ?
(A) Stem
(B) Tree
(C) Root
(D) Branch
(E) Leaf
Ans : (B)
3. How many meaningful three letter English words can be formed with the letters AER, using each letter only once in each word ?
(A) None
(B) One
(C) Two
(D) Three
(E) Four
Ans : (D)
4. In a certain code FINE is written HGPC.
How is SLIT written in that code ?
(E) None of these
Ans : (E)
5. If ‘Apple’ is called ‘Orange’, ‘Orange’ is called ‘Peach’, ‘Peach’ is called ‘Potato’, ‘Potato’ is called ‘Banana’, ‘Banana’ is called ‘Papaya’ and ‘Papaya’ is called ‘Guava’, which of the following grows underground ?
(A) Potato
(B) Guava
(C) Apple
(D) Banana
(E) None of these
Ans : (D)
6. If the digits in the number 86435192 are arranged in ascending order, what will be the difference between the digits which are second from the right and fourth from the left in the new arrangement ?
(A) One
(B) Two
(C) Three
(D) Four
(E) None
Ans : (D)
7. Each vowel of the word ADJECTIVE is substituted with the next letter of the English alphabetical series, and each consonant is substituted with the letter preceding it. How many vowels are present in the new arrangement ?
(A) None
(B) One
(C) Two
(D) Three
(E) None of these
Ans : (C)
8. If in a certain language LATE is coded as 8&4$ and HIRE is coded as 7*3$ then how will HAIL be coded in the same language ?
(A) 7&8*
(B) &7*8
(C) 7*&8
(D) 7&*8
(E) None of these
Ans : (D)
9. How many such pairs of letters are there in word ENGLISH, each of which has as many letters between its two letters as there are between them in the English alphabets ?
(A) None
(B) One
(C) Two
(D) Three
(E) More than three
Ans : (E)
10. In a certain code ‘na pa ka so’ means ‘birds fly very high’, ‘ri so la pa’ means ‘birds are very beautiful’ and ‘ti me ka bo’ means ‘the parrots could fly’. Which of the following is the code for ‘high’ in that language ?
(A) na
(B) ka
(C) bo
(D) so
(E) None of these
Ans : (A)
Directions—(Q. 11–15) In each of the questions below are given three statements followed by two conclusions numbered I and II. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. Read both the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts.
Read the statements and the conclusions which follow it and
Give answer—
(A) if only conclusion I is true.
(B) if only conclusion II is true.
(C) if either conclusion I or conclusion II is true.
(D) if neither conclusion I nor conclusion II is true
(E) if both conclusions I and II are true.
11. Statements : All stars are suns.
Some suns are planets.
All planets are satellites.
Conclusions :
I. Some satellites are stars.
II. No star is a satellite.
Ans : (C)
12. Statements : All fishes are birds.
All birds are rats.
All rats are cows.
Conclusions :
I. All birds are cows
II. All rats are fishes
Ans : (A)
13. Statements : All curtains are rods.
Some rods are sheets.
Some sheets are pillows.
Conclusions :
I. Some pillows are rods.
II. Some rods are curtains.
Ans : (B)
14. Statements : Some walls are windows.
Some windows are doors.
All doors are roofs.
Conclusions :
I. Some doors are walls.
II. No roof is a window.
Ans : (D)
15. Statements : All switches are plugs.
Some plugs are bulbs.
All bulbs are sockets.
Conclusions :
I. Some sockets are plugs.
II. Some plugs are switches.
Ans : (E)
Directions—(Q. 16–20) Study the sets of numbers given below and answer the questions, which follow :
489 – 541 – 654 – 953 – 983
16. If in each number, the first and the last digits are interchanged, which of the following will be the second highest number ?
(A) 489
(B) 541
(C) 654
(D) 953
(E) 783
Ans : (C)
17. If in each number, all the three digits are arranged in ascending order, which of the following will be the lowest number ?
(A) 489
(B) 541
(C) 654
(D) 953
(E) 783
Ans : (B)
18. Which of the following numbers will be obtained if the first digit of lowest number is subtracted from the second digit of highest number after adding one to each of the numbers ?
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4
(E) 5
Ans : (A)
19. If five is subtracted from each of the numbers, which of the following numbers will be the difference between the second digit of second highest number and the second digit of the highest number ?
(A) Zero
(B) 3
(C) 1
(D) 4
(E) 2
Ans : (B)
20. If in each number the first and the second digits are interchanged, which will be the third highest number ?
(A) 489
(B) 541
(C) 654
(D) 953
(E) 783
Ans : (D)
Directions—(Q. 21–25) Read the following information carefully and answer the questions, which follow :
‘A – B’ means ‘A is father of B’
‘A + B’ means ‘A is daughter of B’
‘A ÷ B’ means ‘A is son of B’
‘A × B’ means ‘A is wife of B’
21. Which of the following means P is grandson of S ?
(A) P + Q – S
(B) P ÷ Q × S
(C) P ÷ Q + S
(D) P × Q ÷ S
(E) None of these
Ans : (C)
22. How is P related to T in the expression ‘P + S – T’ ?
(A) Sister
(B) Wife
(C) Son
(D) Daughter
(E) None of these
Ans : (A)
23. In the expression ‘P + Q × T’ how is T related to P ?
(A) Mother
(B) Father
(C) Son
(D) Brother
(E) None of these
Ans : (B)
24. Which of the following means T is wife of P ?
(A) P × S ÷ T
(B) P ÷ S × T
(C) P – S ÷ T
(D) P + T ÷ S
(E) None of these
Ans : (E)
25. In the expression ‘P × Q – T’ how is T related to P ?
(A) Daughter
(B) Sister
(C) Mother
(D) Can’t be determined
(E) None of these
Ans : (D)
Directions—(Q. 26–30) In each of these questions a group of letters is given followed by four combinations of number/symbol lettered (A), (B), (C) & (D). Letters are to be coded as per the scheme and conditions given below. You have to find out the serial letter of the combination, which represents the letter group. Serial letter of that combination is your answer. If none of the combinations is correct, your answer is (E) i.e. None of these :
Letters# Q M S I N G D K A L P R B J E
Number/ Symbol# 7 @ 4 # % $ 6 1 2 £ 5 * 9 8 3
Conditions :
(i) If the first letter is a consonant and the last a vowel, both are to be coded as the code of the vowel.
(ii) If the first letter is a vowel and the last a consonant, the codes for the first and the last are to be interchanged.
(iii) If no vowel is present in the group of letters, the second and the fifth letters are to be coded as ©.
(A) 9©$7©%
(B) ©9$7%©
(C) 91$78%
(D) %1$789
(E) None of these
Ans : (A)
(A) #89*£$
(B) #89*£#
(C) $89*£#
(D) $89*£$
(E) None of these
Ans : (C)
(A) 92*#%4
(B) 924#*%
(C) 92*#%9
(D) 42*#%4
(E) None of these
Ans : (E)
(A) #£$21*
(B) £$21*3
(C) £$21*#
(D) #£$21#
(E) None of these
Ans : (B)
(A) 6@9%#2
(B) 2@9%#6
(C) 2@9%#2
(D) 2©9%#2
(E) None of these
Ans : (C)
Directions—(Q. 31–35) Study the following information carefully to answer these questions.
Eight persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H work for three different companies namely X, Y and Z. Not more than three persons work for a company. There are only two ladies in the group who have different specializations and work for different companies. Of the group of friends, two have specialization in each HR, Finance and Marketing. One member is an engineer and one is a doctor. H is an HR specialist and works with a Marketing specialist B who does not work for company Y. C is an engineer and his sister works in company Z. D is a specialist in HR working in company X while her friend G is a finance specialist and works for company Z. No two persons having the same specialization work together. Marketing specialist F works for company Y and his friend A who is a Finance expert works for company X in which only two specialists work. No lady is a marketing specialist or a doctor.
31. For which of the following companies does C work ?
(A) Y
(B) X
(C) Z
(D) Data inadequate
(E) None of these
Ans : (A)
32. Which of the following represents the pair working in the same company ?
(A) D and C
(B) A and B
(C) A and E
(D) H and F
(E) None of these
Ans : (E)
33. Which of the following combination is correct ?
(A) C–Z-Engineer
(B) E–X–Doctor
(C) H–X–HR
(D) C–Y–Engineer
(E) None of these
Ans : (D)
34. Who amongst the friends is a doctor ?
(A) H
(B) E
(C) C
(D) Either E or C
(E) None of these
Ans : (B)
35. Which of the following pairs represents the two ladies in the group ?
(A) A and D
(B) B and D
(C) D and G
(D) Data inadequate
(E) None of these
Ans : (C)
Directions—(Q. 36–40) In each of the questions given below which one of the five answer figures on the right should come after the problem figures on the left, if the sequence were continued ?
Ans : 36. (C) 37. (E) 38. (D) 39. (A) 40. (D)

kerala psc model question papers, IBPS bank test question paper