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Showing posts with label psc. Show all posts

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Deputy Collector

1.Who is the Finance minister in the Achutanandan ministry?
Dr.Thomas Issac
2.Who is the 2nd Indo-Anierican astronaut selected by American Space agency NASA for a space mission?
Sunita Williams
3.The famous Lucknow pact between the Congress and the Muslim League was concluded in:
4.Who was the chairman of the two commissions appointed by the British Govt. for Partition of the provinces of Bengal and Punjab in 1947?
Cyril Radcliff
5.Who is the Vice chairman of Kerala State Planning Board?
Dr. Prabhat Patnaik
6. Who is the Malayalam Film Director recently selected for Dada Saheb Falke award?
Adoor Gopalakrjshnan
7.In which state is the first synagogue built in India?
8.Operation Flood deals with:
Production of milk
9.Who produced the first automobile?Carl Benz10.Who is the president of Afghanistan?Hamid Karzai
11.Angela Markel is the first woman Chancellor of:
12.Rousseaus theories greatly contributed to which one of the following?
French revolution
13.Who is the Malayalam poet recently selected for ‘Saraswathy Saman?
K. Ayyappa Paniker
14.Dengue fever is caused by:
15.Hormones are normally absent in:
16.Which is the largest living bird?
17.Milk tastes sour when kept in the open for sometime due to the formation of:
Lactic acid
18.Which river feeds Tehri dam?Bhagirithi
19.Who was the founder of Servants of India Society?
G.K. Gokhale
20.Who was the first Indian to become a member of the British parliament?
Dadabhai Naoroji
  1. Who started the State Transport service in Travanore ?
    Ans : C.P.RamaSwamy Iyer
  2. Who wrote Viswadarshanam”
    Ans : G.Shankara Kurup
  3. Forest Industries Travancore is situated in
    Ans : Aluva
    Q.Which is the firstMalayalam Novel ?
    Ans : Kundhalatha by Appu Nedungadi
    Q..Who was the founder of Nair Service Society (N.S.S) ?
    Ans : Mannath Padmanabhan
    Q.Who is known as Kerala Valmiki ?
    Ans : Vallathol Narayana Menon
  4. The First President of Kerala Sahithya Academy
    Ans : Sardar K.M.Panicker

    kerala psc model question papers, IBPS bank test question paper

Sub inspector police

1. Four of the following five are alike in certain way and so form group. Which does not belong to the group.
A. Goldsmith B. Blacksmith C. Tailor D. Sailor E. Carpenter
2. Which of the following pairs as the same relationship between its two elements as between Thirst : Water?
A. Appetite : Meal B. Sun : Energy
C. Poison : Death D. Ice : Cold E. Food : Hunger
3. Find the odd- man out:
A. Fear B. Love C. Liking D. Discipline E. hate
4. Find out the missing number from the following numbers given below
21, 22, 24, 27, 31, 36 …………
A. 41 B. 72 C. 42 D. 44 E. 75
5. Fill in the blank::
Vaccination is to which is unlike with others _____
6. Select the one which is unlike with others :
A. Comedy B. Tragedy C. Buffoonery D. Farce E. Drollery
7. What is the meaning of the word “Canard” ?
A. Rumour B. Alarm C. Hoax D. Warning E. False
8. Fill in the blanks :
‘Painting’ is to ‘art’ as ‘twist’ is to ____
9.If 8*4 = 42; 6+6 = 33; 2*2 = 11; 4*8 = 24; then 2*6 = ?
10. Fill in the blanks :
Tree is to Branches as river is to ______
11. Three – fifth of one – fourth of a number is 18. What is the number?
A. 140 B. 120 C. 160 D. 90 E. None of these
12. Prabhat is as much heavier than Jatin as he lighter than Umesh .If the total weight of Umesh and Jatin is 140 kgs. What is weight of Prabhat ?
A. 80 kgs B. 60 kgs C. 75 kgs D. Cannot be determined
E None of these
13. In a fort, there is provision of feed for 150 men for 45 days. After 10 days 25 men left the fort. The remaining feed will last for :
A. 42 days B. 54 days C. 48 days D. 50 days E. 52 days
14. Find the odd-man out :
A. Robin B. Penguin C. Swallow D. Sparrow E. Python
15. Fill in the blank from the choices given below :
16. Fill in the blank :
1, 3, 7, 15, ___, 63
17. A train running at a speed of 84 km. per hour crosses a man running a speed 6 km. per hour in the opposite direction in 4 seconds. What is the length of the train in meters.
A.75 B. 180 C. 200 D. 150 E. None of these
18. Among five friends A is heavier then B, C is lighter than D but beavier
than E. Who among them is the heaviest.
A. B B. C C. A. D. D E. Date Inadequate
19. Three- fourth of a number is fifteen less than the original number, What is number.?
A. 40 B. 90 C. 50 D. 60 E. None of these.
20. The least number by which 450 must be multiplied in order to make in it perfect square?
A 4 B. 3 C. 2 D. 1 E. 5
21. Four the five are alike in certain way, which one is not like the other form?
A. Short B. Medium C. Long D. Infinity E. Very long
22. The average weight of 5 men is 67.5 kg, the average weight is diminished by 7.5 kg. when the weight of a boy is included; What is weight of the boy?
A. 22.5 kg B. 30 kg C. 25 kg D. 20 kg E. None of these
23. How many paving stones each measuring 2 ½ meters 2 meters are required to pave a rectangular count yard 60 meters long and 16 ½ meters broad?
A. 190 B. 200 C. 198 D. 175 E. None of these
24. Indicate the group of letters which is different from the rest ?
A. BFDC B. VZXWC. KPMLD. QUSRE. None of these
25. If ‘cold drinks’ were oceans, then ‘ice- cubes’ will be
A. Coast lines B. Glaciers C. Ice- bergs D. Islands E. None of these
1. D. Except Sailor all others are tradesman
2. A. Appetite : Meal 3. D. Discipline
4. C. 42. The serious follows the rule +1, +2, +3, +4, +5, +6………
5. Agriculture. Vaccination prevents the body from diseases in the same way pesticides protects a agriculture from pest.
6. B. Except Tragedy all others have the same meaning.
7. E. Rumour 8. Dance
9. A. 13 10. Distributaries
11. B. Let the number x, then 3/5* 1/4x = 18 ═> x = 120
12. E. P – J = U – P ═> 2P = U + J P = 140/2 = 70
13. A. the required = 150 * 45 – 10 * 510 = 42 days
14. E. Python . Except Python all others are birds
15. D. KQTE
16. The series in *2 + 1, *2 + 1, *2 + 1, *2 + 1, *2 + 1
17. Length of the train = (84 + 6) 5/8 * 4 = 100m
18. E. A>B, D>C, D>B>E. from the given in formations we cannot determine who among them is the heaviest.
19. D. x – ¾ x = 15 ═> x = 60
20. C. 450 * 2 = 30
21. D. Infinite
22. A. Weight of the boy = 60 * 6 – 67.5 * 5 = 22.5 kg
23. C. The required number 60 * 16.5 = 198
2.5 * 2
24. C. KPML 25. C. Ice – bergs

kerala psc model question papers, IBPS bank test question paper

Sub inspector police

1. Pick out one word which is out of place with others :
Infant Baby Child Girl Youth Adult
2. Fill in blank :
Squint is related to vision as stammering is to ___
3. Identify the one activity which does not match with the rest :
Walk Run Sleep Swim Cycle
4. Applying the rule used in (a) below, find out the missing number in (b) below:
A. 3 7 15 31 63 B. 5 11 23 – 95
5. Fill in the blank :
Kidney is to nephrology as heart is to ___
6. Select the one word which is the unlike others:
Table Chair Cot Shelf Stool
7. Which of the following words has the same meaning as ‘genuine’?
A. Spurious B. Authentic C. Probable D. Possible E. None of these
8. Fill in the blank :
Stable is to horse as kennel is to ____
9. A motor can round a curve at 30 km/hr. If it rounds the curve at 60 km/hr, its tendency to topple over will be :
A. halved B. doubled C. tripledD. quadrupled E. None of these
10. Fill in the blank :
Clock is to time as thermometer is to ____
11. By putting at the zero at the end of a number its value is increased by 749475. The number is :
A. 86315 B. 85192C. 84273D. 83275E. None of these
12. The statement that the minute hand gains 3300 on the hour hand of a clock is
A. foolish B. true C. incorrect D. true at times E. None of these
13. A father is 3 times as old as his son now. After 25 years the farther will be only double the age of the son. What is the age of father now?
A. 30 years B. 36 years C. 45 years D. 51 years E. None of these
14. Choose the word which does not belong to the group as the other do:
A. Nylon B. CottonC. Silk D. Jute E. Polyester
15. Supply the appropriate letters to continue the series :
16. Supply the appropriate figures to continue the series :
6, 13, 21, 30, 40, 51, 63, ____
17. A and B are traveling from one point from different trains in opposite directions. The speed of A’s train is 40 km/hr. and that o B’s train is 30 km/hr. How far away will A be from B after 3 hours?
18. Four different coloured counters are placed in a row. The re counter is near the green counter, but not near the blue. The blue counter is not near the Yellow. Which counter is next to Yellow.
19. The sixth part of a number exceeds the seventh part by 2. The number is :
A. 42 B. 84 C. 96 D. 105 E. None of these
20. The digit added to the right of the number 2304 so as it make the resulting number divisible by 9 is
A 1 B. 2 C. 9 D. 3 E. None of these
21. Which of the following items is not like the others from a group
A. Butter B. Curd C. Juice D. Cheese E. Milk
22. The average age of a class of 39 boys is 10 years. By admission of one boy A the average age us raised to 10 years and one month. What is age of A?
A. 13 years and 4 months B. 13 ½ years
C. 14 years D. 14years and 4 months E. None of these
23. The length and breadth of room are in ratio 5 : 3 . The cost of white washing the walls at the rate of 10 paise per sq meter is Rs 16.00. If the height of the wall is 5m the length and breadth are:
A. 3m * 2m B. 10 m * 6m C. 15m * 6m
D. 15m* 9m E. None of these
24. Identify the group of letters which is different from the rest.
25. If rain is called “pink”, pink is called “could”, cloud is called “water”, is called “breeze” and breeze is called “moon” what do you wash your hands?
A. Water B. Rain C. Breeze D. Moon E. None of these
1. Girl 2. Speech 3. Sleep
4. 47 5. Cardiology 6. Shelf
7. B. Authentic 8. Dog 9. D. quadrupled
10. Temperature 11. D. 832750 – 83275 = 749475
12. B. true 13. C. 45 years 14. Jute
15. WXY 16. 76. The series +7, +8, +9, +10, +11, +12, ……
17. The required distance = (40 + 30) 3 = 210 km
18. The sequence is Yellow , Red , Green, Blue
19. B. 84 20. E. None of these. 2304 is divisible by 9.
21. C. Juice 22. A. 13 years and 4 months
23. B. 10 m * 6m 24. OQT
25. C. Breeze. We wash our hands in water, ie in Breeze

kerala psc model question papers, IBPS bank test question paper

Sub inspector police

Directions 1 – 4: The words given below have certain relationship. Trick the choice similar relationship.
1. Exit : Enter
A. Notorious : Famous B. Go : Depart C. Peace : Nation
D. Money : Buy E. None of these
2. Guava : Mango
A. Juice : Squash B. Bhils : Nagas
C. Badminton : Shuttlecock D. Book : Red E. None of these
3. Select the pair which is different from others:
A. Hard work and success B. Treatment and Disease
C. Coward and Fear D. Extravagant and Bankruptcy
E. None of these
4. Below a lead word has been followed by four alternatives. One of theses alternatives has some relationship with the word which is different from the other three. Mark this alternative.
Directions 5 – 10: Find the odd-man out:
5. A. Stadium B. Stage C. Rink D. Court E. None of these
6. A. Love B. Infatuation C. Affectation D. Attachment
E. None of these
7. If Singh is taller than Hamid but shorter than John who is shorter than Chandra but taller than Karunakaran then the tallest person is :
A. Chandra B. Karunakaran C. Singh D. John E. None of these
8. The sum of two numbers is 35 and their difference is 13.Find the greater number.
A. 23 B. 24 C. 20 D. 25 E. None of these
9. Two students fought a college election. The winning student got 60% of the total votes and won the election by 144 votes only. What was the total number of votes polled?
A. 720 B. 480 C. 360 D. 240 E. None of these
10. When there is an increase of 30% in the price of TV sets and decrease of 20% in the number of sets sold, then what is percentage effect on total sales?
A. 4% loss B. 8% loss C. 4% gain D. 8% gain E. None of these
Directions 11 – 15: Find the missing numbering the series given below:
11. 2, 5, 9, 14, 20, 27,____
12. 3, 7, 10, 17, 27, 44____
13. 5, 9, 4, 11, 7, 17, 10,___, 6,
14. A number exceeds its one – fifth by 20, what is the number?
A. 100 B. 25 C. 5 D. 20 E. None of these
15. John purchased 4 pens and 3 pencils of Rs. 46. Aslam purchased 3 pens and 8 pencils from the same trader at the same rate for the same account. What is the price of 1 pencil?
A. Rs.2.00 B. Rs.4.00 C. Rs.1.50 D. Rs.3 E. None of these
1. A. Notorious : Famous
2. B. Guava & Mango are the names of fruits ,in the same Bhils and Nagas are the same of Tribes.
3. Treatment and Disease 4. D. CAUTION
5. B. Except stage all others are connected with games(Rink is ice hockey ground)
6. C. Affectation
7. A. Chandra>John>Sighn>Hamid, John>Karunakaran. From the above two relations Chandra is tallest person.
8. B. Let x be the larger number and y be the smaller number.
Then x+y = 35___(1) x-y = 13 ____(2) (1) + (2) ═> 2x = 48 x = 24. There for the larger number is 24.
9. A. 720 10. C.
11. 35. The given series follows the rule +3, +4, +5, +6, +7, +8.
12. 71. Here and the two preceeding numbers to get the next number
13. 16
14. B. 25
15. A. Let the price of one pen is Rs . x and that of pencil is Rs y.
Then 4x + 3y = 46 and 3x + 8y = 46. On solving we get y = Rs.2.
Ie the price of one pencil = Rs. 2.00

kerala psc model question papers, IBPS bank test question paper

Sub inspector police

1. Which one of the following statement is not correct?
A. The President can dissolve the Lok sabha.
B. The vice president is ex-officio Chairman of the Rajya sabha.
C. Money bills cannot be introduced in the Rajya sabha.
D. One third of Rajya sabha members retire every third year.
2. The law of gravitation was discovered by :
A. Newton B. Charles Darwin
C. William Harvey D. Einstein
3. The best conductor of electricity is :
A. Copper B. Graphite C. Aluminum D. Silver
4. The most intelligent animal is:
A. Elephant B. Monkey C. Chimpanzee D. Dog
5. When ice melts , its volume:
A. Increase B. Decrease
C. Remains the same D. First decreases then increases
6. Telephone was invented by:
A. Alfred Nobel B. Graham Bell C. W Shockely D. Samuel Morso
7. Three primary colours of light are:
A. Red, Green, Blue B. Red, Yellow, Green
C. Red, Yellow Blue D. Green Yellow Blue
8. Red Blood Cells (RBC) are formed in :
A. Muscles B. Veins C. Bone Marrow D. Heart
9. Spring balance is used to measure
A. Mass B. Thrust C. Pressure D. Weight
10. ‘Universal donor’ in blood transfusion belongs to the blood group:
A. A . B C. O AB
11. The first President of Indian National Congress was :
A. A.O.Hume B. W C Bannerji
C. Rabindra Nath Tagore D. C. Rajagopalachari
12. Human Rights Day is observed on :
A. 10th December B. 14th November
C. 30th January D. 1st May
13. The term ‘Knock out’ is associated with:
A. Chess B. Hockey C. Boxing D. Football
14. How many players ply in each side in volleyball
A. 11 B. 9 C. 7 D. 6
15. Bharathiya Jnanpith Award was instituted in:
A. 1976 B. 1944 C. 1970 D. 1980
16. The first Indian to get the Nobel prize is :
A. Rabindra Nath Tagore B. C Rajagopalachari
C. C V Raman D. Dr Hargobind khorana
17. “A friend in need is a friend “ is ascribed to :
A. Shakespeare B. Winston Churchill C. Tennyson D. Milton
18. “ A thing beauty is a joy for ever” is a line written by :
A. Keats B. Shelley C. Pope D. Tennyson
19. I.L.O stands for :
A. International Labour Organisation B. Indian Labour organization
B. International Labour Organisation D. Indian Legal Office
20. F.R. C.S stands for :
A. Fellow of the Royal Civil Service
B. Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons
C. Fellow of the Royal College of Science
D. Fellow of the Royal Council of Surgeons
21. Which of the following is, an example for partial parasite?
A. Lichen B. Loruthus C. Pepper plant D. Vanda
22. The medulla Oblongata is concerned with the control of :
A. Hearing B. Heartbeat C. Vision D. Balance of the body
23. In the human body, insulin is produced by :
A. Liver B. Skin C. Pancreas D. Pituitary gland
24. Which of the following is necessary for the formation of hemoglobin?
A. Iron B. Salt C. Phosphorous D. Sulphur
25. The author of ‘Punchatantra’ is
A. Kalidas B. Vishnu Sharma C. Valmiki D. Chanakyan
26. The first Five Year Plan was started in the year :
A. 1951 B. 1952 C. 1953 D. 1954
27. Which one of the following is in the concurrent list of the Constitution of India?
A. Finance B. Agriculture C. Education D. Commerce
28. For a group to come in to existence, it is essential that people :
A. Are at one place B. Owe allegiance to a leader
C. Like one another D. Have a common goal
29. The main fuel for the body to produce energy is :
A. Insulin B. Protein C. Glucose D. Fat
30. The philosophy of Adwaita is associated to :
A. Sri Sankaracharya B. Sri Buddha
C. Sri Vivekananda D. Sri Rama krishna Paramahamsa
31. Who introduced English education in India?
A. Corn Wallis B. Rippon C. Dalhousie D. William Bentinck
32. Who announced an American model Constitution of Travancore?
A. Rajagopala Achari B. C P Ramaswami Iyer
C. Pazhassi Raja D. Paliath Achan.
33. The fist English school in Kerala was established at :
A. Mattancherry B. Thiruvananthapuram
C. kozhikode D. Kollam
34. The district of Kerala having the highest urban population is :
A. Trivandrum B. Ernakulam C. Kozhikode D. Thrissur
35. Who emphasized the need for compulsory primary education in India ?
A. Nehru B. Ram Mohan Roy C. Gokhale D. Rabindra Nath Tagore
36. The Five-year Plan of the period 2002 – 2007 is :
A. 9th B. 10th C. 11th D. 12th
37. Effective communication will make the receiver :
A. Think over it B. Accept it C. Pass it on to others D. Enjoy it
38. Which country is not a member of SAARC ?
A. Bhutan B. Myanmar C. Maldives D. Bangladesh
39. Which country’s Parliament has the largest membership ?
A. India B. United States C. China D. Japan
40. The state with the smallest population in India is:
A. Mizoram B. Arunachal Pradesh C. Goa D. Sikkim
41. Find out the number that comes in the missing position of the following number series:-
0, 7, 26, 63, 124, ___
A. 215 B. 216 C. 225 D. 185
42. If 3 + 3 = 27 ; 4 + 7 = 84 and 5 + 7 = 105, then 6 + 7 = ___?
A. 136 B. 126 C. 106 D. 86
43. In a military mode, TARGET is written as TARGET.Using the same cade BRIDGE should be written as :
44. A class has R rows of desks with D desks in each row, On a particular day when all the pupils were present, three seats were found vacant. The number of pupils in the class is :
A. DR + 3 B. D + R + 3 C. DR – 3 D. D + R – 3
45. A father tells his son, “I was your present age when you were born” If father is 36 now, how old was the son five years back ?
A. 13 B. 18 C. 31 D. 21
46. The average age of husband and wife was 22 years when they were married five years back. What is present average age of the family if they have three year old child?
A. 25 years B. 19 years C. 27 years D. 281/2 years
47. In an examination, 40% students fail in Maths, 30% in English and 15% in both. Find the pass percentage.
A. 50% B. 65% C. 30% D. 45%
48. A train runs for 2 hrs at the speed of 35 km/hr. It runs for 31/2 hrs at the speed of 60 km/hr and then runs for 21/2 hrs at the speed of 70 km/hr. Find the average speed of the train:
A. 40 km/hr B. 55 km/hr C. 56.87 km/hr D. 80 km/hr
49. A 300m. long train passes a pole in 12 secs. What is the speed in km/hr?
A. 40 km/hr B. 72 km/hr C. 90 km/hr D. 120 km/hr
50. One half of the students at an Indian University study German and 1/3 of others study French.The remaining 600 do not study any foreign language. How students are there in the University?
A. 7200 B. 1800 C. 3600 D. 2700
51. If P’s and Q’s ages add up to 42 and P is 10 years junior to R. Who is 8 years senior to Q . What are the age of P, Q, R respectively.
A. 22 years, 20 years, 24 years B. 20 years, 22 years, 32 years
C. 12 years, 30 years, 32 years D. 20 years, 22 years, 30 years
52. If X means ÷ means X, ÷ means + and + means – then the value of expression (3 – 15 ÷ 11) X , 8+6 will be:
A. 1 B. 0 C. 8 D. 4
53. What will be the angle between two hands of a clock at time 8.30?
A. 900 B. 600 C. 450 D. 750
54. If ¾ of a number is equal to 2/3 of another number, What is the ratio between these two numbers. ?
A. 3:4 B. 5:6 C. 8:9 D. 9:10
55. Q is the shorter then P but teller than R. R is shorter than P but taller than A. If they stand in ascending order of height , the sequence is ;
A. A R Q P B. A Q R P C. Q P A R D. R P Q A
56. A, B, C are intelligent. A, D, E, are laborious, D, C, E, are honest. A, B, E, are ambitious, Which of the following are honest?
A. A,D B. A,B C. C,A D. C,A,B
57. There are four roads . I have come from the south and want to go to the temple . The road to the right leads me away from the coffee house: straight ahead it leads only to a college. In which direction is the temple?
A. E. B. N C. W D. S
58. A cube is to be painted. No two adjacent faces can be coloured the same. Which is the least number of colours needed?
A. 4 B. 3 C. 2 D. 5
59. Some boys are standing in queue. If the 10 boy from behind is 5 behind the 12th boy from the friend, how many boys are there in the queue?
A. 17 B. 20 C.27 D. 26
60. When 8% of 630 is added to 12% of 315, the sum is?
A. 68.2 B. 44.1 C. 126 D. 88.2
61. According to the Gregorian calendar Saka era, our national era, begins from the which of the year?
A. A.D 622 B.A.D 1587 C. A.D 319 D. A.D 78
62. Indians learnt the art preparation of horoscope from whom?
A. Greeks B. Parthians C. Arabs D. Sakas
63. Kalidasa the great India poet was in the court of the Hindu emperor:
A. Asoka the Great B. Chandragupta II
C. Samudra Gupta D. Chandra Gupta Maurya
64. The Portuguese conquered Goa in the year:
A. 1603 A. D B. 1757 A.D C. 1510 A.D D. 1656 A. D
65. Which one of the following was described by Gandhiji as “a postdated cheque on a failing bank”
A. August offer B. Cripp’s Declaration
C. Wavell Plan D. Cabinet mission
66. A port where not duties levied on articles of commerce is called:
A. Dry port B. International port C. Free port D. Closed port
67. The gravitational pull exerted by the earth is maximum high the :
A. South pole B. North pole C. Antarctic circle D. Equator
68. The largest continent is:
A. Asia B. America C. Europe D. Africa
69. The biggest planet is:
A. Venus B. Pluto C. Mercury D. Jupiter
70. Nautical mile is unit of distance used in :
A. navigation B. Aviation C. Race D. Space travel
71. Solar eclipse occurs on a :
A. Full moon day B. New moon day
C. Half moon day D. None of the above
72. India become a member of the United Nation in:
A. 1950 B. 1951 C. 1945 D. 1947
73. Silent valley forest are is located in:
A. Madhya Pradesh B. Kerala C. Himachal Pradesh D. Sikkim
74. The National Anthem of India was composed by:
A. Bankim Chandra Chatterji B. Acharya Vinoba Bhave
C. Subash Chandra Bose C. Rabindra Nath Tagore
75. The Indian flag is rectangular in shape and the ratio of the length to breadth is:
76. India’s first underground nuclear explosion experiment was done at :
A. Thumba in Kerala B. Arvi in Maharashtra
C. Pokharan in Rajasthan D. Pokran in Gujarat
77. India’s first scientific satellite ’Aryabhatta’ was launched in to orbit on:
A. 19th April 1975 B. 1st July 1975
C. 26th June 1975 D. 18th May 1975
78. The ‘Teacher’ s Day’ observed every year in India on:
A. September 5 B. November 14 C. may 1 D. October 19
79. In India censes is taken in every :
A. Five years B. Year C. Ten years D. Three years
80. The President of India must have completed the age of:
A. 25 years B. 35 years C. 40 years D. 50 years
81. In the sentence, “No room here” room means:
A. Room for rent B. Waiting room C. Accommodation D. Space
82. The idiom ‘To read between lines’ means:
A. To suspect B. To do useless reading
C. To read carefully D. To under stand hidden meaning of the writer
83. An autobiography is:
A. A statement of the achievements and failures in owns on life
B. An account one’s own life C. A narration in the first person
D. A chronicle of events is one’s own life
84. Fill in by the correct from of the word given:
The visitor was given a warm welcome of this____
A. Arrive B. Arriving C. Arrived D. Arrival
85. Complete the following sentence choosing the correct word:–
I prefer coffee__tea
A. than B. to C. can D. for
86. Replace the word underline by right phrase given :
Since the whether is bad, we will cancel the meeting arranged for this evening:
A. given up B. give away C. give in D. give out progress
87. Replace the word underline by right phrase:
The Government rejected all the demands:
A. put out B. turned down C. made out D. gave out
88. Give the meaning of the following phrase get at.
A. pass B. rise C. reach D. to make progress
89. The word “Elite” means:
A. Exquisite B. Dear C. Perfect D. The best
90. The word “ Delicacy” means:
A. Shy B. Weakness C. Sensitive D. Thin
91. Filling in the blank using the right word :
A. since B. by C. for D. form
92. Fill in using the correct preposition :
I can write a book ___ grammar:
A. on B. in C. about D. of
93. monkey live ___ trees
A. on B. in C. upon D. by
94. It is natural ___ man to make mistake:
A. that B. about C. in D. for
95. Identify the conjunction in the following sentences :
I ran fast but missed the train.
A. but B. ran C. fast D. the
96. Pick out the incorrect the sentence :
A. we are cousins B. He bought some language
C. He is waiting here for three hours D. I know all that he said.
97. Pick out the correctly spelt word:
A. Fourty B. Separate C. Secretary D. Curriculum
98. Pick out the incorrectly spelt word:
A. Excellent B. President C. Recommend D. Comment
99. Complete sentence:
You would look better, if
A. you would have cut your hair B. you cut your hair
C. you have cut your hair D. you will cut your hair
100. Pick out the correct sentence:
A. I prefer coffee than tea B. Politics have divided the country
C. Sun rises in east D. He goes to bed at ten in the night


1. D 2. A. 3. D. 4. C 5. B
6. B 7. A 8. C 9. D 10. C
11. B 12. A 13. C 14. D 15. B
16. A 17. D 18. A 19. A 20. B
21. B 22. B 23. C 24. A 25. B
26. A 27. C 28. D 29. D 30. A
31. D 32. B 33. A 34. B 35. B
36. B 37. B 38. B 39. C 40. D
41. A 42. B 43. D 44. C 45. A
46. B 47. D 48. C 49. C 50. B
51. D 52. A 53. D 54. C 55. A
56. B 57. A 58. B 59. D 60. D
61. D 62. A 63. B 64. C 65. B
66. C 67. D 68. A 69. D 70. A
71. B 72. C 73. B 74. D 75. D
76. C 77. A 78. A 79. C 80. B
81. D 82. D 83. B 84. D 85. B
86. A 87. B 88. C 89. D 90. C
91. C 92. A 93. B 94. D 95. A
96. B 97. C 98. A 99. B 100. D

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