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Showing posts with label ld clerk question paper. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


1.Who is the Finance minister in the Achutanandan ministry?
Dr.Thomas Issac
2.Who is the 2nd Indo-Anierican astronaut selected by American Space agency NASA for a space mission?
Sunita Williams
3.The famous Lucknow pact between the Congress and the Muslim League was concluded in:
4.Who was the chairman of the two commissions appointed by the British Govt. for Partition of the provinces of Bengal and Punjab in 1947?
Cyril Radcliff
5.Who is the Vice chairman of Kerala State Planning Board?
Dr. Prabhat Patnaik
6. Who is the Malayalam Film Director recently selected for Dada Saheb Falke award?
Adoor Gopalakrjshnan
7.In which state is the first synagogue built in India?
8.Operation Flood deals with:
Production of milk
9.Who produced the first automobile?Carl Benz10.Who is the president of Afghanistan?Hamid Karzai
11.Angela Markel is the first woman Chancellor of:
12.Rousseaus theories greatly contributed to which one of the following?
French revolution
13.Who is the Malayalam poet recently selected for ‘Saraswathy Saman?
K. Ayyappa Paniker
14.Dengue fever is caused by:
15.Hormones are normally absent in:
16.Which is the largest living bird?
17.Milk tastes sour when kept in the open for sometime due to the formation of:
Lactic acid
18.Which river feeds Tehri dam?Bhagirithi
19.Who was the founder of Servants of India Society?
G.K. Gokhale
20.Who was the first Indian to become a member of the British parliament?
Dadabhai Naoroji


Directions 1 – 4 : In each of the following four words have been given of which there are alike in some way and one is different. Write the odd word.
1. A. Transport B. Bus C. Car D. Train E. None of these
2. A. He goat B. He buffalo C. Cow D. Bull E. None of these
3. A. Parrot B. Pigeon C. Kiwi D. Sparrow E. None of these
4. House B. Town C. Metropolis D. City E. None of these
Directions 5 – 8 : Find out the analogues in each questions:
5. Examinee : Examination : : Traveller :
A. Experience B. Knowledge C. Train D. Journey E. None of these
6. Vendor : Buyer : : Advocate :
A. Smith B. Witness C. Judge D. Client E. None of these
7. Save is related to Rescue in the same way as Seldom is related to :
A. Certain B. Rarely C. Usual D. Often E. None of these
8. ? : Knee : : Wrist : Elbow
A. Finger B. Ankle C. Leg D. Foot E. None of these
Directions 9 – 12 : In each the following questions there are four groups of letters in which three are alike in some way. Find out the group which is different:
9. A. IBCD B. ORQP C. UFGH D. EKLM E. None of these
10. A. KLLM B. TUUV C. XXXZ D. OPPQ E. None of these
11. A. ALERTED B. CREATE C. REPEAT D. CHEAT E. None of these
12. A. ACEGI B. BDFHJ C. SUWYA D. LINPR E. None of these
Item 13 – 17 : In each the following items there is a particular relationship between the first two words . Find out the relation and apply this relationship
To the third word and find out the fourth word from the given alternatives
13. Ice is to Water as Water is to ___
A. River B. Cold C. Thirst D. Steam E. None of these
14. Food is to Hunger as Sleep is to ___
A. Weariness B. Night C. Dream D. Rest E. None of these
15. Book is to Author as Statue is to ___
A. Sculptor B. Model C. Stone D. Man E. None of these
16. Nest is to Bird as House is to ____
A. Men B. Women C. Human D. Family E. None of these
17. Day is Night as Kind is to ____
A. Dark B. Cruel C. Bright D. Bright E. None of these
Items 18 – 22 : A set of words is given in each of the following items. One of the each words do not belong to the set. Find it.
18. A. Walk B. Run C. Jump D. Think E. None of these
19. Delhi B. Chennai C. Bangalore D. Calcutta E. None of these
20. A. Trapezium B. Parallelogram C. Rectangle
D. Triangle E. None of these
21. A. June B. July C. September D. November E. None of these
22. A. Orange B. Apple C. Carrot D. Banana E. None of these
Item 23 – 27 : Find the missing number in each series from the given alternatives.
23. 22, 30, 46, 78, 142, ____
A. 150 B. 220 C. 270 D. 284 E. None of these
24. 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, ___
A. 18 B. 21 C. 23 D. 27 E. None of these
25. 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, ___
A. 33 B. 36 C. 56 D. 81 E. None of these
26. 1, 8, 27, 64, 125, ____
A. 216 B. 225 C. 250 D. 256 E. None of these
27. 65, 63, 60, 56, 51, ___
A. 44 B. 45 C. 46 D. 47 E. None of these
1. A. Transport 2. B. Cow
3. C. Except kiwi, all others are flying birds.
4. A. House 5. D. Traveller : Journey
6. D. Advocate : Client 7. B. Rarely
8. B. Ankle : Knee 9. B. ORQP
10. C. XXXZ
11. A. Except ALERTED, all others have EAT and it is the only past form.
12. D. LINPR 13. D. Steam
14. D. Rest 15. A. Sculptor
16. C. Human 17. B. Cruel
18. D. Except Think, all others are physical actions.
19. A. Delhi 20. D. Triangle
21. July. All others have30 days 22. C. Carrot
23. C. 270. The given series follows the rule +8, +16, +32, +64, +128
24. C. 23. The series follows the rule +4, +2, +4, +2, ……..
25. B. 36. The series is of perfect squares.
26. A. 216. The series is of perfect cubes
27. B. 45. The series follows the rule -2, -3, -5, -6


Directions 1 – 4 : Complete the following series, adding two more items to each:
1. 2 4 8 16 __ ___
2. 3 9 27 81 __ ___
3. ABAB BCBC CDCD ____ ____
4. AZ BY CX DY ____ _____
Directions 5 – 6 : Rearrange the following groups of letters to form familiar words:
Directions 7 – 11 : Pick out the from each of the following groups the one item that does not belong to the group:
7. 1 3 5 6 7
8. Kalidas - Kabir - Tagore - C.V Raman
9. Galileo - Newton - Einstein - Milton
10. Deer - Elephant - Cow - Tiger
11. Hydrogen - Oxygen - Iron - Nitrogen
Directions 12 – 16 : Answer the following:
12. Which is more
0.4 or ½
13. A factory produces 145 cars a week. How many cars will it produce in an year?
14. Our present Speed- post Tariff is :
up to 200 gms Rs.20
201 to 500 gms Rs. 30 and
for each additional 500 gms. Or part Rs. 10
15. The petrol consumption of a motor car is one litre for 11 kilometers. How much petrol will the car require to go from Palghat to Thiruvanathapuram and back? ( Distance between Palghat and Thiruvanathapuram, via Alathur in kms. 365)
16. Morarji Desai’s birthday is February 29. When can be celebrate his birthday
1. 32, 64; Each term is multiplied by 2 to the next term.
2. 243, 729; Each term is multiplied get by 3 to get the next term.
4. EV, FU
7. Except 6 all other odd numbers.
8. C.V Raman is the only scientist among the group.
9. Milton
10. Except Tiger all others are herbivorous.
11. Except Iron all others are gases.
12. ½ = 0.5 Therefore ½ is more than 0.4
13. There are 52 weeks in a year. The number of cars manufactured in a year.
= 145 * 52 = 7540
14. Required answer = 20 + 30 + 10 + 10 = Rs 70
15. Required Quantity = 1 * 365 * 2 = 66. 36 litre
16. After four years.


Questions 1 5 : Which does not belong to the same group.
1. A. Jupiter B. Mercury C. Moon D. Neptune E. None of these
2. A. Square B. Rectangle C. Circle D. Parallelogram E. None of these
3. A. Apple B. Carrot C. Mango D. Grapes E. None of these
4. A. Bench B. Student C. Desk D. Table E. None of these
5. A. Land B. Lake C. Sea D. River E. None of these
Questions 6 10 : 3 words are given. The first two in each group are related in some way. Choose 4th word which is related to the 3rd word as one and two are related:
6. Ship : Water = train :___
A. Path B. Road C. Passenger D. Track E. None of these
7. Doctor : Patient = teacher :____
A. Class B. Student C. School D. Lesson E. None of these
8. Paper : Pen = blackboard :___
A. Chalk B. Wood C. Class D. Cardboard E. None of these
9. Individual : Family = Family :___
A. State B. House C. Society D. Nation E. None of these
10. HIJ : MNO = RST :___
A.WXY B. UVM C. VWX D. XYZ E. None of these
Question 11 12 : Complete the series :
11. 1/5, 3/7, 6/11, 10/19,____
A.15/35 B. 16/35 C. 17/35 D. 20/35 E. None of these
12. F. K. P _____
A. T B. U C. V D.Q E. None of these
13. A husband and wife have five married sons. Each of these had four children. How many members are there in the family?
A. 50 B. 40 C. 32 D. 36 E. None of these
14. In a certain code POLISH is written as MLIFPE. How id DIG written in the same code?
A.GLJ B. CHI C. ECH D. AFD E. None of these
15. Mr. X travels towards 3Kms. North, then turns towards west and travel 1Kms. Then he turns towards south and travels 3 Kms. How far is the from his starting point?
A. 7Kms. B. 4 Kms. C. 2 Kms. D. 1 Kms. E. None of these
1. C. Except Moon, all others are planets.
2. C. Except Circle, All others have four sides
3. B. Except Carrot, All others are fruits.
4. B. Except student, all others are furniture
5. A. Except Land, all others have water.
6. D. Train passes through Track
7. B. Teacher : Student
8. A. Blackboard : Chalk
9. Family : Society
10. RST : WXY, There are two letters between J & M in the same way there are two letters between T and W.
11. A. 15 Here the numerator follows the rule +2, +3, +4, +5, and the denominator 35, follows the rule +2, +4, +8, +16,..
12. B. F >K >P >U
13. C. There are 32 members in the family.
14. D. AFD 15. 1 Kms.


Questions 1 – 5 : In each of the following items the first two words have some relationship. Find out the word from the 4 alternatives given, which has the same relationship with the third word.
1. Fire : Heat : : Flower : ?
A. Plant B. Petals C. Colour D. Fragrance E. None of these
2. Hut : Mansion : : ? : Elephent
A. Bungalow B. Small C. Rabbit D. Lion E. None of these
3. Eye : Sight : : Tongue : ?
A. Mouth B. Speech C. Blind D. Dumb E. None of these
4. Bird : Feather : : Fish : ?
A. Scale B. Tail C. Beak D. Wing E. None of these
5. Ruling : King : : Learning : ?
A. Book B. School C. Scholar D. Teacher E. None of these
Questions 6 – 10 : A set of words or letters or numbers is given in each of the questions. One of them in each set does not belong to the set
6. A. May B. June C. July D. August E. October
7. A. Camera B. Film C. Shot D. Painting E. Photograph
8. A. B B. C C. D D. E E. F
9. A. 1 B. 8 C. 4 D. 16 E. 10
10. A. Animal B. Tiger C. Insect D. Bird E. Worm
Questions 11 – 15 : Choose the correct answers from the alternatives given.
11. Which number should come in the blank space to complete the series?
2, 6, 12, 36, 72, ____
A. 216 B. 214 C. 146 D. 144 E. None of these
12. If 1394 = ACID, then 4516 = ?
A. DEAD B. DEAL C. DEAN D. DEAF E. None of these
13. Which letter should come in the blank space to complete series?
A. T B. U C. V D. W E. None of these
14. If GAMES is spelt as HBNFT, what will be the spelling of SPORTS?
15. The salaries of Suma and Rema together amount of Rs 2,000. Suma spends 95% of her salary and Rema 85 % of hers. If now their savings are the same what is Rema’s salary?
A. Rs 500 B. Rs 750 C. Rs 1,250 D. Rs 1,000 E. None of these


1. D. 2. C.
3. B. 4. A.
5. C. 6. Except June, all others have 31 days.
7. D. Except painting all others are connected with photography.
8. D. E is the only Vowel
9. A. Except 1 all others are even numbers.
10. B. Tiger
11. A. 216, the series follows the rule x3, x2, x3, x2,…….
12. D. DEAF 13. C. V 14. B. TQPSUT
15. A. Let Suma’s salary be Rx. Then 5% of x = 15 % of(2000 – x)ie,
5x = 15 (2000 – x)___ > x = Rs. 1500.
Rama’s salary= 2000 – 1500 = Rs. 500


Find out the missing number from the following alternatives for the following number series:-
1. 4, 8, 16,________
A. 8 B. 32 C. 4 D. 12 E. None of these
2. 21, 441, 25, _____
A. 50 B. 52 C. 625 D. 400 E. None of these
In following group of letters, one is different from the rest of the three. Which one is different?
3. A. ABE B. FGI C. IJM D. RSW E. None of these
4. Find out the name of person who does not belong to the group of others.
A. Mahatma Gandhi B. Jayaprakash Narayanan
C. Sree Narayna Guru C. Morarji Desai E. None of these
In the following questions on pair is different fro the rest of the three. Find out the different one.
5. A. 30 – 36 B. 40 – 58 C. 42 – 50 D. 65 – 75 E. None of these
6. A. 13, 18 B.21, 31 C. 19, 24 D. 48 – 63 E. None of these
7. If Indira Gandhi is coded as 914491817114489. Find out the code for Sree Narayan Guru
A. 1918551411812511417211821 B. 19189141181251147211821
C. 1411812511417211821 C. 7211821 E. None of these
8. If black means white, white means red, re means yellow, yellow means blue, then What is the colour of the clear sky?
A. Yellow B. Blue C. Black D. Red E. None of these
Out of the alternatives given below, one is different from is rest in some way. Which is the odd one?
9. A. Tiger B. Lion C. Zebra D. Horse E. None of these
10. A. Taxi B. Bus C. Cradle D. Car E. None of these
Find out the one form among the alternatives given, that meaningfully suits the sentence.
11. As Doctor is related to patient, Teacher is related to :
A. Salary B. Satisfaction C. Pupil D. Respect E. None of these
12. As fox is related to counting, Rabbit is related to
A. Timid B. Courageous C. Bold D. Skilful E. None of these
13. In a certain language TAP is written as PAT. Then how is APT written in that language?
A. PTA B. APT C. ATP D. TPA E. None of these
14. Three times of an unknown number is oneless than 40.What is the unknown number?
A. 15 B. 13 C. 12 D. 14 E. None of these
15. Showing a lady, Ramu said “She is the daughter of my grandfather’s only son”. How is Ramu related to that lady?
A. Brother B. Brother-in-law C. Uncle D. Father E. None of these
1. B. 32 2. C. 625
3. D. Except RSW, all others have at least one vowel
4. C. Sree Narayana Guru, others are political leaders
5. D. Except 65 – 75, all others are even number pairs
6. D. Except 48 – 63, all others have at least one prime number.
7. A. 1918551411812511417211821
8. A. Yellow 9. D. Horse. Except horse others are wild animals
10. C. Cradle 11. C. Pupil
12. A. Timid 13. D. TPA
14. B. Let the number be x, then 3x = 40 – 1 Þ x = 13
15. A. Daughter of my grandfather’s only son means sister. Therefore Ramu is the brother of the lady.